Naděje právní vědy 2022 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Žáček, Ondřej
Přehled vybraných kroků k přijetí eura v ČR After the potential decision to adopt the euro in the Czech Republic, it will be necessary to take a number of legislative and non-legislative steps. Firstly, the aim of the paper is to provide a basic overview of these steps, which are not limit... |
Zukal, Marek
Články o odpovědnosti států za mezinárodně protiprávní jednání – a co dál? In 2022, the UN General Assembly Sixth Committee considered the Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts for the 8th time. There was a strong push by some States to proceed to codify these Articles into an international treaty.... |
Zoričáková, Veronika
Zmluvná povaha predzmluvnej zodpovednosti za spôsobenú škodu v českom práve? The paper deals with the nature of pre-contractual liability in Czech civil law based on a recent decision of the Czech Supreme Court. The author considers whether pre-contractual liability should be governed by the rules of contractual or non-contractual liability and... |
Wasik, Izabela
Legal aspects of the struggle against infectious illnesses in Austria-Hungary The article gives an overview of the main legal regulations in Austria-Hungary applicable to the struggle against infectious illnesses. Various legal acts were given out both by the central authorities, e.g. by the Ministry of the Interior, and at the level... |
Wagner, Filip
Očkování z pohledu práva Vaccination is one of the basic ways to prevent infectious diseases and their related consequences. The basic purpose of vaccination is to induce an immune response of the organism as a reaction to the encounter with the relevant antigen and possibly other compon... |
Vnenk, Vladislav
Rozvrh práce soudu a právo na zákonného soudce The subject of the expert article was a consideration of the constitutional right to a statutory judge and the requirements for the so-called work schedule of the court, which ensures this fundamental right. The article is also based on current jurisprudence. |
Vinerová, Bronislava
Obmedzovanie slobody prejavu v Slovenskej republike In the introduction to the paper, the author mentions the anchoring of freedom of expression both internationally and nationally, as well as the purpose, forms and content of freedom of expression. Since freedom of expression is not absolute, it must be restricted in ce... |
Vetešník, Pavel
Zveřejňování informací z kontroly The article deals with the conditions of publication of information from the inspection of the inspection regulations. In the article, I will first define the inspection according to the inspection regulations and the cases in which the inspection authority is... |
Varholík, Štefan
Mimosúdna ochrana know-how In the article, the author defines the peculiarities of the concept of know-how and the specifics of its protection. The author then describes judicial and extrajudicial means of protecting know-how. In the context of out-of-court means of protecting know-how, the author... |
Václavová, Simona
Slovenská republika ako právny štát s ohľadom na garanciu ľudských práv |
Úlehlová, Simona
Možnosti a meze zavedení hromadných žalob do českého civilního prostředí The introduction of class actions as a typical common law institute into the Czech legal environment raises a number of doubts among theorists and practitioners of the legal community, a certain wave of criticism, but also a lot of conceptual questions. The contributio... |
Tresa, L´uboš
Vnútropolitická situácia v Československu pred konaním Mníchovskej konferencie Despite the increasingly deteriorating international situation in 1938 and despite the increasingly tense domestic political situation in Czechoslovakia (which we briefly described above) and despite the evident evidence that armed conflict in Central Europe is increasingly inevitable, the opti... |
Toman, Michal
AI Liability Directive – first impressions The content of this article is the Commission’s proposal of the AI Liability Directive. The text analyzes the procedural aspects of liability for damage related to artificial intelligence and the related concepts “disclosure of evidence” and “rebuttable presumptions”. And it... |
Tesla, Tony
Osobitosti korupcie a korupčných vzťahov v zdravotníctve The presented treatment deals with the issue of corruption in the healthcare sector. It points to the peculiarities of this area and the sensitivity of the issue of life and health protection. These factors also determine the often lack of interest in reporting... |
Špatenková, Renata
Důsledky nelegální práce v oblasti ochrany zdraví cizinců The article deals with the performance of illegal work by foreigners and focuses on preventive and follow-up protection of health at work. During the performance of illegal work, the elements of protection can be fundamentally affected, which brings a number of negative cons... |
Šinková, Barbora
Některá specifika prozatímního provádění smíšených dohod For several decades, the European Union has used the mechanism of provisional application of international treaties as enshrined in Article 25 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and Public International Law. It is used for the purpose of early... |
Ševcová, Katarína
Čipka, Dominik
Vybrané inštitúty Európskeho civilného procesu Retribution deals with European civil procedure, aiming on specific areas of its legislation. Main areas with which the retribution is dealing with are European small claims procedure and European order for payment. Both mentioned legal institutes are well described ... |
Šašek, Michal
Výzvy úředních osob – charakteristika, možnosti obrany a přestupky jejich neuposlechnutí Persons in authority are allowed to issue a command, which is binding for the addressee. In the case of failure to comply with the command, it may be qual ified as an offense of disobeying the command of an official. This conference paper focuses on... |
Sudzina, Milan
Konanie o vydaní súhlasu s inšpekciou The article analyzes the issue of issuing a decision giving consent to the in spection of buildings, premises or means of transport, which may be carried 656 out by the Commission or the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic. The purpose of the in... |
Smrčková, Gabriela
Vývoj obranných prostředků proti nařízení izolace nebo karanténního opatření v rámci epidemie onemocnění COVID-19 Public health protection authorities are authorized to order isolations or quarantine measures for specific persons in accordance with Public Health Protection Act in justified cases. Such a procedure is regulated by The Administrative Code which, especially by those legal... |
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