Katedra mezinárodního práva / Department of International Law

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Poslední příspěvky

Kollrossová, Petra
Právo dítěte vyjádřit se ve smyslu čl. 12 Úmluvy o právech dítěte.

The diploma thesis deals with the child's right to express himself according to Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 12 guarantees a child who is already able to formulate his opinions that his opinions will be taken into account according&...

Havlíčková, Dominika
Rozhodčí řízení vedené u ICSID a opravné prostředky po vydání rozhodčího nálezu v rozhodčím řízení u ICSID

The subject of my thesis is arbitration conducted before the ICSID and post-award remedies at the ICSID. I chose this subject because it is an interesting topic on which there is no literature in the Czech language yet. In the introduction, the thesis explains the&...

Hambálek, František
Právní úprava podnikání cizinců na území ČR

This thesis deals with the topic of foreigners' entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic. The thesis is structured into three main chapters. The first chapter defines selected concepts, namely foreigners' law, citizen and citizenship of the Czech Republic, foreigner and foreign person...

Rybín, Jakub
Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku.

This thesis explores the topic of arbitration in international commercial relations. The analysis is realized through the perspective of the legal system of the Czech Republic, taking into consideration in particular the applicable laws, international treaties, and the decisions of national ...

Holub, Roman
Kolizní úprava manželského práva.

This thesis focuses on the conflict of laws rules used in matrimonial law. The question that the author tries to answer is whether even nowadays, is lex patriae still the most significant connecting factor has when it comes to matrimonial law or whether its role decreased...