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Mücke, Pavel
Po stopách orální historie: Orálně historické projekty realizované v Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR v historické retrospektivě This short essay tries to conclude an outline of key projects which have been realized in Institute of Contemporary History CAS by using oral history method between years 1996–2011. There would be outlined thematic, historical and methodological aspects of these projects and ... |
Najbrt, Jaroslav
Rodinná paměť ve výuce tzv. normalizace: Velké a malé příběhy moderních dějin The article stands on the edge of educational applications and methodological reflection of the use of oral history in teaching Czechoslovak history for the period 1968-1989. In the introduction, the author formulates his opinion about the importance of memory in history te... |
Morávková, Naděžda
JIROUŠEK, Bohumil. Historik Jaroslav Charvát v systému vědy a moci. Praha: Nakladatelství ARSCI: 2011. 230 s. ISBN 978-80-7420-015-1. |
Krausová, Milada
Za panem Radoušem: Interpretace pověsti v průběhu staletí On behalf of Lord Radouš. Interpreting a tale in the course of the centuries. The essay presents a survey of a tale’s development concerning a Lord called Radouš from Plzeň’s region. The character of Radouš appears first in the renaissance chronicle by Hájek z... |
Kolář, Petr
MUDr. František Neumann: Zapomenutý lékař z Vinohrad |
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- 22 2011