Title: K terminologii imigračních otázek ve Francii
Authors: Sitek, Pavel
Citation: Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2012, č. 1, s. 132-157.
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: článek
URI: http://actaff.zcu.cz/export/sites/ffacta/archives/2012/ACTA_FF_2012_1.pdf
ISSN: 1802-0364
Keywords: Francie;imigrace;terminologie;státní občanství;integrace;národní identita
Keywords in different language: France;immigration;terminology;citizenship;integration;national identity
Abstract: Following text deals with definitions of key expressions in the field of immigration questions in the French context. The emphasis is put on citizinship, integration of immigrants to the French society and national identity in the French historical context. We try also to divise a perseption of this terminology in the eye of the political elites, researches and in the everyday life.
Rights: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Appears in Collections:Číslo 1 (2012)
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Číslo 1 (2012)

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