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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorRabanová, Helena
dc.contributor.authorSvobodová, Monika
dc.contributor.refereeWipplingerová, Miloslava
dc.description.abstractTato práce nejdříve stručně uvádí, co je civilní řízení, formy jeho rozhodnutí, poté se podrobněji zaměřuje na problematiku elektronického platebního rozkazu, centrálního elektronického platebního rozkazu a elektronického spisu.cs
dc.format72 s.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.cs
dc.subjectcivilní řízenícs
dc.subjectelektronický platební rozkazcs
dc.subjectelektronický spiscs
dc.titleRozhodnutí v civilním řízení s akcentem na elektronický platební rozkazcs
dc.title.alternativeDecisions in civil proceedings with a focus on electronic payment orderen
dc.typediplomová prácecs
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta právnickács
dc.description.departmentKatedra občanského právacs
dc.thesis.degree-programPrávo a právní vědacs
dc.description.abstract-translatedI chose the topic of my thesis "The decision in civil proceedings with an emphasis on electronic payment order", with regard to the field of law, which is close to my personal interest and, due to my work assignment, to my profession. Processing of this materia gave me a new perspective on the topic, I found a new problems that I have not yet met but the practice can always bring them, and elaboration of the topic may have prepared me to address them. I realize that due to the nature of the thesis, this cannot bring the detailed analysis of civil proceedings and forms of governance, which is why I only mentioned the main principles and forms of individual decisions in the course of judicial proceedings. I tried to focus more closely on the chosen topic, means and methodology of processing of the application for electronic payment order, including its latest version - a central electronic payment order, which is the first use of purely electronic court file management in the Czech judiciary, connected to the use of cooperation of the operator of postal services. At the end of my thesis, I also tried to assess whether the introduction of an electronic payment order had met the expectations expressed in the explanatory memorandum to the Act No. 123/2008 Coll. establishing this institute.en
dc.subject.translatedcivil proceedingsen
dc.subject.translatedcentral electronic payment orderen
dc.subject.translatedelectronic fileen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Diplomové práce / Theses (KPO)

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