Browsing by Author Picek, Lukáš

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 27  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022An artificial intelligence model to identify snakes from across the world: Opportunities and challenges for global health and herpetologyBolon, Isabelle; Picek, Lukáš; Durso, Andrew; Alcoba, Gabriel; Chappuis, François; Castañeda, Rafael Ruiz de
2022Automatic Fungi Recognition: Deep Learning Meets MycologyPicek, Lukáš; Šulc, Milan; Matas, Jiří; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Jeppesen, Thomas S.; Lind, Emil
2014Automatická detekce dopravních objektů na pozemních komunikacích pro pasportizaci a navigaciPicek, Lukáš
2020Coral Reef annotation, localisation and pixel-wise classification using Mask R-CNN and Bag of TricksPicek, Lukáš; Říha, Antonín; Zita, Aleš
2022Danish Fungi 2020 - Not Just Another Image Recognition DatasetPicek, Lukáš; Šulc, Milan; Matas, Jiří; Jeppesen, Thomas S.; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Lassoe, Thomas; Froslev, Tobias
2021A deep learning method for visual recognition of snake speciesChamidullin, Rail; Šulc, Milan; Matas, Jiří; Picek, Lukáš
2018ExperLifeCLEF-AI vs Experts classification competitionPicek, Lukáš
2020Fungi Recognition: A Practical Use CaseŠulc, Milan; Picek, Lukáš; Matas, Jiří; Jeppesen, Thomas; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob
2021Hakuna Ma-Data – Animal Detection in the WildPicek, Lukáš
2021Improving web user interface element detection using Faster R-CNNVyskočil, Jiří; Picek, Lukáš
2021LifeCLEF 2021 Teaser: Biodiversity Identification and Prediction ChallengesJoly, Alexis; Goëau, Hervé; Cole, Elijah; Kahl, Stefan; Picek, Lukáš; Glotin, Hervé; Deneu, Benjamin; Servajean, Maximillien; Lorieul, Titouan; Vellinga, Willem-Pier; Bonnet, Pierre; Durso, Andrew M.; de Castañeda, Rafael Ruiz; Eggel, Ivan; Müller, Henning
2022LifeCLEF 2022 Teaser: An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Based Species Identification and Species Distribution PredictionJoly, Alexis; Goëau, Hervé; Kahl, Stefan; Picek, Lukáš; Lorieul, Titouan; Cole, Elijah; Deneu, Benjamin; Servajean, Maximillien; Durso, Andrew M.; Bolon, Isabelle; Glotin, Hervé; Planqué, Robert; Vellinga, Willem-Pier; Klinck, Holger; Denton, Tom; Eggel, Ivan; Bonnet, Pierre; Müller, Henning; Šulc, Milan
2016Mobilní aplikace jako prostředek k rozpoznávání plodnic vysokých hubPicek, Lukáš
2022Overview of FungiCLEF 2022: Fungi Recognition as an Open Set Classification ProblemPicek, Lukáš; Šulc, Milan; Matas, Jiří; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob
2020Overview of LifeCLEF 2020: A System-Oriented Evaluation of Automated Species Identification and Species Distribution PredictionJoly, Alexis; Goëau, Hervé; Kahl, Stefan; Deneu, Benjamin; Servajean, Maximillien; Cole, Elijah; Picek, Lukáš; de Castañeda, Rafael Ruiz; Bolon, Isabelle; Durso, Andrew; Lorieul, Titouan; Botella, Christophe; Glotin, Hervé; Champ, Julien; Eggel, Ivan; Vellinga, Willem-Pier; Bonnet, Pierre; Müller, Henning
2021Overview of LifeCLEF 2021: An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Based Species Identification and Species Distribution PredictionJoly, Alexis; Goëau, Hervé; Kahl, Stefan; Picek, Lukáš; Lorieul, Titouan; Cole, Elijah; Deneu, Benjamin; Servajean, Maximillien; Durso, Andrew; Bolon, Isabelle; Glotin, Hervé; Planqué, Robert; de Castañeda, Rafael Ruiz; Vellinga, Willem-Pier; Klinck, Holger; Denton, Tom; Eggel, Ivan; Bonnet, Pierre; Müller, Henning
2022Overview of LifeCLEF 2022: An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Based Species Identification and Species Distribution PredictionJoly, Alexis; Goëau, Hervé; Kahl, Stefan; Picek, Lukáš; Lorieul, Titouan; Cole, Elijah; Deneu, Benjamin; Servajean, Maximillien; Durso, Andrew M.; Glotin, Hervé; Planqué, Robert; Vellinga, Willem-Pier; Navine, Amanda; Klinck, Holger; Denton, Tom; Eggel, Ivan; Bonnet, Pierre; Šulc, Milan; Hrúz, Marek
2021Overview of SnakeCLEF 2021: Automatic snake species identification with country-level focusPicek, Lukáš; Durso, Andrew M.; Bolon, Isabelle; de Castañeda, Rafael Ruiz
2022Overview of SnakeCLEF 2022: Automated Snake Species Identification on a Global ScalePicek, Lukáš; Hrúz, Marek; Durso, Andrew M.; Bolon, Isabelle
2020Overview of the SnakeCLEF 2020: Automatic snake species identification challengePicek, Lukáš; Bolon, Isabelle; Durso, Andrew M.; de Castañeda, Rafael Ruiz