Katedra občanského práva / Department of Civil Right
Recent Submissions
Mach, Ondřej
Změna pohlaví a její občanskoprávní aspekty Gender reassignment, also known as the incongruence between psychological and physical gender, represents a complex and personal process where an individual adopts a gender different from that assigned at birth. This phenomenon is becoming increasingly visible and accepted in society, reflecting&... |
Pfeiferová, Johana
Vybrané aspekty soudního smíru Judicial settlement is a procedural institute often neglected by legal doctrine and practice. The impetus for its deeper doctrinal examination does not even originate from the parties themselves, as they often prefer an authoritative decision of the court to an amicable settlement of... |
Spoustová, Adéla
Vznik zástavního práva podle zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník This rigorous thesis focuses on the origin of the lien according to Act No 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code. In this rigorous there have been pointed out some interpretation uncertainties contained in valid legal regulation of lien, to which have been found a rational soluti... |
Hanzíková, Andrea
Ochrana práv pacientů při poskytování zdravotních služeb The aim of this rigorous thesis was to summarize the basic legal regulation of the provision of health services, the distribution of health care and the individual rights and obligations of patients and health service providers. The following chapters describe the legal regu... |
Novák, Matěj
Náklady řízení a jejich náhrada v řízení o zrušení a vypořádání spoluvlastnictví The thesis deals with the types of costs of civil litigation proceedings and the general obligation to pay them according to the basic civil procedural rules, as well as with the compensation of costs in the proceedings for the dissolution and settlement of co-ownership, which... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law