Katedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečení / Department of Labour Law and Law of Social Security
Recent Submissions
Kvapilová, Andrea
Rozvázání pracovního poměru výpovědí ze strany zaměstnavatele This rigorous thesis is focused on the termination of the employment relationship by notice of termination given by the employer. This thesis deals with the requirements of a notice of termination and its defects, as well as some institutes related to the termination of an... |
Müllerová, Tereza
Výkon práce mimo pracoviště zaměstnavatele The subject of the bachelor thesis is the legal regulation of the performance of work outside the employer's workplace, with a comparison and critical evaluation of the legal regulation until 1 October 2023 and after 1 October 2023. The first part of the thesi... |
Malý, Tomáš
Spravedlivé odměňování v pracovněprávních vztazích The bachelor thesis deals with fair remuneration in labor relations. It focuses on the clarification of the concept of "fair remuneration" as such, taking into account the different types of remuneration for the performance of work and their issues. The thesis also develops... |
Illetško, Jakub
Práce přesčas This bachelor's thesis focuses on overtime work and is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter defines basic terms. The second chapter deals with a historical excursion from the first regulations surrounding work to the present state of the legal regulations of overtime ... |
Nalezená, Eliška
Pěstounská péče This Bachelor thesis is concerned with foster care in light of currently valid and effective legal regulation in the Czech Republic. The opening part is dedicated to the historical development of foster care after which it describes the individual types of foster care. The sub... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- 62 zaměstnanec
- 61 employee
- 54 employer
- 54 zaměstnavatel
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- 133 2020 - 2024
- 100 2012 - 2019