Katedra technické výchovy / Department of Class
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Čermák, Jan
Distanční výukový kurz - Google SketchUp The theme of this diploma thesis was creation of education material as an electronic support for education in elementary school. Text part of this diploma thesis includes insights to RVP in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Also description of the learning material and examples ... |
Kubecová, Magda
Experimenty s termokamerou ve školské fyzice This diploma thesis is devoted to using of thermographic measurements in school physics. Practically no material about this topic was published in Czech Republic in spite of that thermography is very fast growing part of applied physics and for example in Germany, great attention... |
Švárová, Jana
Metody rozvíjení jemné motoriky žáků na prvním stupni základní školy The thesis focuses on methods and activities intended for the development of fine motor skills in pupils used in manual training classes in primary school. It provides examples of realized preparation for classes and a list of craft products made in such a class. It elabo... |
Kovářová, Alena
Problém čtyř barev This diploma work "Four color problem" is divided into two parts. In the first part are mainly described the theoretical findings of a mathematical problem, especially The four color problem. Furthermore , I paid attention to the theoretical knowledge about specific learning&... |
Hambergerová, Lenka
Nové formy výukových materiálů pro předmět Stolničení The aim of this work is the concept of a new form of teaching the subject table setting for hotel schools. This educational process using ICT. The result is a well constructed course better relationship between teacher and students. They are new features such as interacti... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education