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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorSkala, Václav
dc.identifier.citationLatest Trends on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling : 4th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling (ASM'10), p. 66-71.cs
dc.description.abstractThere are many geometric algorithms based on computation of intersection of lines, planes etc. Sometimes, very complex mathematical notations are used to express simple mathematical solutions, even if their formulation in the projective space offers much more simple solution. This paper presents solution of selected problems using principle of duality and projective space representation. It will be shown that alternative formulation in the projective space offers quite surprisingly simple solutions that lead to more robust and faster algorithms which are convenient for use within parallel architectures as GPU (Graphical Processor Units- NVIDIA) or Larrabee (Intel), which can speed up solutions of numerical problems in magnitude of 10-100. It is shown that a solution of a system of linear equations is equivalent to generalized cross product, which leads with the duality principle to new algorithms. This is presented on a new formulation of a line in 3D given as intersection of two planes which is robust and fast, based on duality of Plücker coordinates.The presented approach for intersection computation is well suited especially for applications where robustness is required, e.g. large GIS/CAD/CAM systems etc.en
dc.format6 s.cs
dc.relation.ispartofseriesLatest Trends on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modellingen
dc.rightsOriginal paper is published under copyright license: © 2012 WSEASen
dc.subjectaplikovaná matematikacs
dc.subjectvýpočet průsečíkůcs
dc.subjectgrafické procesorycs
dc.subjectpočítačová grafikacs
dc.titleDuality and Intersection Computation in Projective Space with GPU supporten
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.subject.translatedapplied mathematicsen
dc.subject.translatedintersection computationen
dc.subject.translatedgraphic processing unitsen
dc.subject.translatedcomputer graphicsen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Konferenční příspěvky / Conference Papers (KIV)

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