Diplomové práce / Theses (KFU) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Slámová, Veronika
Porovnání sociálního zabezpečení v ČR a USA This thesis presents a comprehensive comparison of social security systems between the Czech Republic and the United States of America, with emphasis on their differences and specifics. An introduction to the topic of social security in general provides the basic information needed to... |
Průchová, Veronika
Interní audit The thesis is devoted to internal audit in the company Allianz pojišťovna and focuses on defining the phases of the internal audit performance process and evaluating the quality of the internal audit. The topic is relevant due to the newly emerging IPPF standards, which are... |
Sedláková, Sára
Vliv věkové a genderové rozmanitosti statutárních orgánů na výkonnost podniků The topic of this thesis is motivated by the increasing number of countries introducing regulations and recommendations concerning diversity in corporate leadership. These measures indicate the significance of diversity for the financial performance and success of companies. The aim of the t... |
Martínková, Pavla
Důsledky cenových stropů: příklad Maďarska The diploma thesis on the topic of The consequences of price caps: the example of Hungary focuses on the impact of price ceilings on market dynamics, consumer behaviour and the business environment. Price caps represent a maximum limit on the price that providers of goods ... |
Matějková, Andrea
Finanční úspěšnost podniků poskytujících účetní, auditorské služby a daňové poradenství This thesis focuses on the financial success of companies providing accounting, auditing and tax consulting services. The aim was to determine which size category was the most financially successful in the industry using appropriately selected financial ratios. The analysis is b... |
Němcová, Jolana
Bankovní podvody This thesis is focused on bank fraud and aims to provide a comprehensive overview of this issue. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part the basic concepts in banking, types of banks and their role are first defined. Then the... |
Marečková, Sára
Řízení finanční výkonnosti vybraného podnikatelského subjektu This master's thesis deals with the performance management of a selected company. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part begins with the definition of performance, followed by the definition of financial analysis. The main chapter of the theoretical part is ... |
Langmajer, Jakub
Spolehlivost vybraného indikátoru technické analýzy This master's thesis dealt with the topic of technical analysis. More specifically, it was an assessment of the reliability of the Supertrend indicator. Backtesting was performed on a total of twenty-nine equity titles that are included in the DJIA index. The monitored period w... |
Malátková, Tereza
Obchodování na komoditním trhu s kukuřicí The work deals with the functioning of the commodity market and trading on it, with a focus on searching for deals on corn futures. The commodity market is described in the form of research from literary sources. Furthermore, the work is focused on corn as a commodit... |
Kůsová, Michaela
Cirkulární ekonomika a nakládání s odpady v České republice The topic of this master's thesis is the circular economy in the context of the Czech Republic. The thesis focuses on the principles, benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of the circular economy. It also provides an overview of the legislative framework, m... |
Keřka, Ondřej
Reporting a vztah ke společenské zodpovědnosti v soukromém a veřejném sektoru: zkušenosti a trendy This thesis is focused on reporting in association with corporate social responsibility, with the goal of evaluating non-financial reporting of chosen companies. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. Based on research of relevant sources, the theoretical part ... |
Kašová, Kristýna
Neživotní zajišťovnictví v účetnictví a výpočty škod na DACH marketu This thesis endeavors to elucidate the complexities of reinsurance and advocate for the adoption of automated accounting practices within the reinsurance domain. Through a literature review, interview with experts, an analysis of hedging contracts, and an examination of financial reporting standa... |
Matějka, Michal
Srovnání brokerů dostupných pro české investory The thesis deals with a comprehensive comparison of brokers available to the Czech investor. The goal is to make it easier for investors to choose a broker, as this choice has a major impact on successful investing and trading on the financial markets. The thesis first... |
Holeček, Dominik
Komparace makroekonomického vývoje Ukrajiny a Ruské federace se zaměřením na válečné období This master's thesis is focused on the comparison of the macroeconomic development of Ukraine and the Russian Federation with a focus on the wartime. The theoretical framework is based on the most important macroeconomic indicators and other related aspects. Subsequent empirical research... |
Frýdová, Simona
Daňové podvody The master´s thesis focuses on the issue of tax fraud, especially fraud in the field of value added tax. The aim of the thesis is to identify and explain the existing measures to prevent tax fraud and to propose other possible measures that could prevent tax fraud... |
Halamová, Tereza
Udržitelný rozvoj obcí This master's thesis focuses on the issue of sustainable development at the municipal level. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the fulfillment of the pillars and indicators of sustainable development using the example of a specific township and its local parts. The town... |
Hrdličková, Hana
Daňově uznatelné a neuznatelné výdaje pohledem judikatury The thesis is focused on the issue of essential expenses, their definition and the conditions for their use. The basis of the work is a clarification of the conditions for recognition of essential expenses, which are supported by the judicature of the Constitutional Court and&... |
Jindrová, Tereza
Fiskální aspekty stárnutí populace se zaměřením na důchodový systém ČR The thesis focuses on assessing the fiscal aspects of population aging in the Czech Republic and the sustainability of the current pension system. The analysis reveals a rapid increase in the number of people aged 65 and over, accompanied by a decline in the productive ag... |
Buiová, Denisa
Finanční audit ve zvoleném podnikatelském subjektu The Master's Thesis deals with the financial audit of a selected entity. The author chose the topic due to being employed as a senior auditor, thus having a close affinity to the topic. The author approached the problem-solving process as a case study. According to th... |
Bártová, Lucie
Význam přímých a nepřímých daní v daňovém systému ČR This master's thesis discusses the sense of direct and indirect taxes in the tax system of the Czech Republic, while also focusing more closely on the area of excise taxes. The aim of this work was to describe the position of direct and indirect taxes in the ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economics
- Katedra financí a účetnictví / Department of Finance and Accounting