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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorBouška, Petr
dc.contributor.authorStašková, Zuzana
dc.contributor.refereeHlaváček, Pavel
dc.description.abstractTato práce se zaměřuje na vliv agendy setting v prezidentské kampani ve Spojených státech v roce 2012. Za cíl si kladla ověřit korelovanost agend sledovaných subjektů. Za sledované subjekty byli vybráni kandidáti Barack Obama a Mitt Romney a deníky The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal a USA Today. Získaná data byla analyzována pomocí kvantitativní obsahové analýzy. Korelovanost agend všech tří deníků byla ověřena. Korelovanost mezi agendami Baracka Obamy The New York Times a USA Today byla potvrzena. Korelovanost mezi mezi agendami Mitta Romneyho a The Wall Street Journal a USA Today byla potvrzena. Korelovanost mezi kandidáty byla rovněž potvrzena. Práce se rovněž zaměřuje na témata, kterým byla věnována největší pozornostcs
dc.format89 s. (73 151 znaků)cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.cs
dc.subjectagenda settingcs
dc.subjectprezidentská kampaňcs
dc.subjectBarack Obamacs
dc.subjectMitt Romneycs
dc.subjectThe New York Timescs
dc.subjectThe Wall Street Journalcs
dc.subjectUSA Todaycs
dc.titleAgenda setting a prezidentská kampaň v USA 2012cs
dc.title.alternativeAgenda setting and the U.S. presidential campaign in 2012en
dc.typebakalářská prácecs
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta filozofickács
dc.description.departmentKatedra politologie a mezinárodních vztahůcs
dc.thesis.degree-programMezinárodní teritoriální studiacs
dc.description.abstract-translatedAgenda setting, which is concerned on the influence between the media, the public and the political agenda has been frequently studied in recent studies. Quantitative content analysis is usually used to analyze this influence. The aim of this thesis is to determine agenda setting in context of the U. S. presidential campaign in 2012. Two presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were chosen as representatives of the polit-ical agenda. The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal were selected as repre-sentatives of media agenda due to their seriousness. USA Today was selected as the third representative of media agenda in order to consider one of tabloids. These news-papers was monitored in their online version. The research presented in this thesis tries to verify correlation between both political agendas of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, between all media agendas of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today and between political and media agendas. Moreover, this study aims to answer which subjects were given the most attention. This work presents a methodology of quantitative content analysis which was used for data evaluation. Based on the above analysis, data were analyzed and research questions have been answered. The results show that most of the observed agendas were correlated. The correlation was verified between the agendas of all periodic, agendas between Barack Obama and The New York Times, respectively Barack Obama and The Wall Street Journal. The correlation between Mitt Romney´s agenda and agendas of The Wall Street Journal and USA To-day was confirmed. It was confirmed that the agenda of both studied candidates was correlated. Correlation of other agendas has not been verified. The most frequent topics of individual agendas have been also presented.en
dc.subject.translatedagenda settingen
dc.subject.translatedpresidential campaignen
dc.subject.translatedBarack Obamaen
dc.subject.translatedMitt Romneyen
dc.subject.translatedThe New York Timesen
dc.subject.translatedThe Wall Street Journalen
dc.subject.translatedUSA Todayen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAP)

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