Title: Využití nových možností návrhu webových stránek pomocí HTML 5 v praxi
Other Titles: Use of new design options websites using HTML5 in practice
Authors: Hegnerová, Kateřina
Advisor: Jakeš, Tomáš
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/14508
Keywords: W3C;WHATWG;komponenta;Canvas;Drag and drop;audio/video;HTML5;HTML;JavaScript
Keywords in different language: W3C;WHATWG;component;Canvas;Drag and drop;audio/video;HTML5;HTML;JavaScript
Abstract: Snahou této bakalářské práce bylo představit nové možnosti návrhu webových stránek pomocí HTML5. Otestovat podporu komponent používaných ve specifikaci HTML5 a zjistit rozdílnosti mezi starší a novější specifikací jazyka s ukázkou tvorby webových stránek v HTML5.
Abstract in different language: The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is briefly and clearly introduces the new HTML5 language specification. The work is a component of which is language enriched. The performance is realized by a more detailed presentation of each of them. From the previous chapter were selected several important elements and are described by working with them. For each element is characterized by what to do to make it possible to use and last but not least, worked as it should. Marginally I describe the operation and functioning components Canvas. At present, it is often used in Web documents and nothing prevents its further development and use. Most problematic, nowadays, is to support audio and video codecs in different browsers. Nevertheless, this problem is solvable. Another part of this study is comparing the differences in the structure of web document earlier versions of HTML and HTML5 versions. Indicates work with new block elements. The whole issue is described in detail and accompanied by illustrating examples. At the end created a website that meets all preconditions HTML5. Part of these pages are practical examples of components from previous chapters. Pages are enriched with Cascading Style Sheets version 3. It is still recognize that support for the latest version of HTML is still not sufficient.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KVD)

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