Číslo 4 (2013) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Lukáš, Ladislav
Úvodní slovo |
Pešík, Jiří
Šlehoferová, Marta
Analýza spekulativních obchodů s komoditami na základě detekce parametrických extrémů v časových řadách cen This article is focused on a definition and detection of extremes in prices of sugar No. 11 futures, sugar No. 16 futures and other commodities futures. The purpose of the paper is to investigate intervals between extremes in time series. The extremes detected in t... |
Horvát, Peter
König, Brian
Ostrihoň, Filip
The basis for modelling the fiscal shocks´ impact on the business environment of Slovakia Followingpaper deals with Japanese DSGE model used to capture the dynamics of business environment in the conditions of Slovakia.It is assumed that government sector has a significant influence on the condition of business environment in general. The main factors that affect busi... |
Hejduková, Pavlína
Krechovská, Michaela
Karlovec, Karel
Rozvoj islámského finančního systému v rámci globalizace finančních trhů The Islamic financial system is an integral part of the global financial system. It is a financial system based and operating on the basis of Islamic law. The paper analyses the development of Islamic financial system in recent years, and represents the basic principles... |
Savov, Radovan
Lančarič, Drahoslav
Prístavka, Miroslav
Využitie kritérií MBNQA v hodnotení manažmentu kvality v agropodnikateľských subjektoch SR Quality management system is important part of management in every standard organization. Paper is oriented on evaluation of quality management in agribusiness companies. There are included results of research based on 18 companies providing agriculture production. Representatives of each ... |
Lukáš, Ladislav
Metody oceňování podniků typu DCF a jejich numerická realizace pomocí sw Mathematica The paper is focused on firm valuation methods based on discounted cash flows and their numerical realization using sw Mathematica. The methods DCF-entity, DCF-equity and DCF-APV are presented in compact mathematical form, which enable us to discuss in detail both discounting ... |
Beslerová, Stela
Tobák, Juraj
Tutková, Petra
Zrážka za nízku likviditu In Slovakia and as well in Czech business environment, there are generally valued those companies that are not listed on a stock exchange or securities. In countries with developed capital market is in the valuation processused resolution of firms traded on the capital ... |
Rábek, Tomáš
Čierna, Zuzana
Tóth, Marián
Využitie finančnej páky v podmienkach slovenského poľnohospodárstva The aim of this paper is to highlight the results of research in the field of financial analysis focusing on leverage as a way to increase return on equity. Analysis was conducted on the sample of agricultural enterprises in Slovakia for the period 2007-2011. We... |
Brezina, Ivan
Pekár, Juraj
Čičková, Zuzana
Analýza zmien koncetrácie bankovného sektora SR na báze Archimedovského cieľového programovania One of the most widely used indices for measuring the concentration of industry is the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI). The analysis of its changes enables examines changes in the concentration of the market in case of new business entity entry. The analysis is based o... |
Labudová, Viera
Hrušovská, Dana
Využitie rozhodovacích stromov pri analýze prieskumu trhu In this paper we focus on analysis of market research companies in the Slovak Republic by the methods of decision trees. We compare the use of market research data based on two surveys that we were conducted in 2009 and 2012. We focused statistical verification... |
Miloha, Jiří
Kotěšovcová, Jana
Odpovídá vývoj Škoda auto znalostní společnosti? The paper answers one of the typical problems of economic theory - how it is in practice possible to measure and to interpret the quality of economic time row on the all economic levels. The papers shows differences our approach to the approach of growth accou... |
Štamfestová, Petra
Vztah kvality a zákaznického kapitálu The article deals with the relationship between quality and customer capital because in recent years management of non-financial indicators is shown to be more and more important for the long term success of the company. The aim of the theoretical part is to define ... |
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