Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2015 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kapranova, Yevgeniya Nikolayevna
Ustanovka dlja smešivanija židkostej The article deals with devices for mixing liquids.It describes the different types of equipment and procedures mixing liquids. |
Kabrt, Vladimír
Model Stirlingova motoru The article describes the production and function of the model Stirling engine. Stirling engine is a closed, atmospheric convection, piston, air cooled engine with external combustion. The model can be used as a teaching tool in technical subjects at primary and secondary schools. ... |
Jursa, Jiří
Návrh praktické učební pomůcky řízené počítačem Bachelor thesis is dealing with the problem of creating learning tool and its inclusion in teaching at basic school based on Framework educational program (RVP). Particular learning tool is greenhouse. In thesis are discussed suitable and inappropriate materials for construction. Part of... |
Janečková, Michaela
Alternativní výuka výtvarné výchovy pro 6. ročník ZŠ a primy na víceletých gymnáziích Diploma thesis „ Alternative teaching art for the 6th year of primary school and right on grammar schools “ deals with the possibilities of alternative content of art education. Work focus on content versus hours of arts and creativity development for students in 6th grade... |
Hnilicová, Kateřina
Funkční model gilotiny This work presents production of a functional model of a guillotine. It shortly introduces guillotine history. The model will be used as a demonstrative tool at education in primary schools. The production was realised in a KMT/SPRB (School practice B) subject. This article al... |
Gregar, Jan
Terminologické poznámky k překladu publikace "Badatelsky orientovaná výuka: pojetí, podstata, význam a přínosy" The article introduces the readers to the selected terminological findings acquired in connection to the translation of a new publication devoted to the inquiry-based instruction, which appears as a contributive one in terms of its application in technical and science-related subjects. There... |
Fuchsová, Hana
Automatický otočný most This model is the automatic swing bridge, which is inspirited by Leonardo Da Vinci´s swing bridge. The momentum bridge provides two servo-motors. The bridge is sitting on the first servo-motor and the second is over the bridge, its task is hoist the edge of bridge. Next... |
Fadrhonc, Jan
Výuka tabulkových kalkulátorů na ZŠ pomocí programu Calc This master’s project deals with analysis of the Czech and Slovak state documents for primary education in relation to the teaching of spreadsheet programs. The result of this analysis was that the documents are not specific enough. Therefore, we have proposed own goals for te... |
Constantinovna, Efimtseva Natalia
Labor and profesional training of people with disabilities in the city of Vladimir Through the example of association of parents of disabled children "Light" The article addresses experience in vocational training in the city of Vladimir. The principal directions, progress and results of training are laid out. The active work in labor training of people with disabilities by Vladimir nonprofit organization Association of Parents of Disabled C... |
Dudek, Michal
Bluetooth robot Bluetooth robot is build from technical parts LEGO© Mindstorms® NXT 2.0. The model using two logic bricks, which are programmed for mutual communication. One of the brick represent remote control with Acceleration / Tilt sensor, which sensing values of gravitational acceleration. Values... |
Drlík, Karel
Rekonstrukce a restaurování historických maleb a soch The essence of this work is to describe the reconstruction and restoration of historical paintings and wooden sculptures. Furthermore, document restoration work on the painting "Expectations" of the church.of the st. Nicholas in Maletín. |
Drahovzal, Pavel
Využití elektrotechnické stavebnice z 16pinových patic na druhém stupni základní školy The article introduced an electrotechnical construction kit from 16pin bases. It presents examples of use of the construction kit, offers a demonstration of didactic material and presents results of the implemented research of integration of the construction kit to education. |
Doskočil, Jakub
Návrh a konstrukce vzdáleného experimentu - meteorologická stanice This bachelor’s thesis is aimed to design and construction of remote experiment. In theoretical part it deals with theoretical base of remote experiments, their placing and use in teaching. The practical part is dedicated to design on itself of remote experiment and that is we... |
Bulanova, N. D.
The features of teaching the course "technology" in the small rural school Article addresses the problem of organizing the learning process in rural small schools. The characteristic of the author's program co-education of boys and girls on the subject of "Technology". The features of the methodology of organization studies on specific topics. The ana... |
Benediktová, Lenka
Využití aplikace Quizlet ve výuce na základní škole This article introduces educational application Quizlet and its use in teaching. It serves for creating collections of educational cards and it allows further work with them. In the text, there is described the way of making these cards. Then, there are shown the options in... |
Bauerová, Aneta
Zásobník chemických prvků The subject of the presentation is didactic tool designed to streamline teaching and testing the memorized material. |
Baťko, Jan
Robotc verze 4 a možnosti jeho využití ve výuce The article presents the actual version of the programming environment RobotC. It describes as iconic as well as a text version. It focuses on their components and describes how to create the program. The description is appended by graphic elements. Shortly summarizes the use ... |
Artej, Luka
Mikuž, Matevž
Inteligentni multikopter Multikopter je leteča platforma, ki leti s pomočjo štirih motorjev. Upravlja se ga z 2,4 Ghz oddajnikom, s kateri določamo smer letenja. Multikopter zavija tako, da določeni motorji povečajo obrate. Gibanje upravlja inteligentni avtopilot, na katerega pripeljemo vhode iz sprejemnika, ki jih&... |
Anderle, Martin
Výuka elektromotorů na ZŠ The product is a model of electric motor, which is serving to explain the principle of rotation of rotor. The model is made from Plexiglas, which means it is completely clear and thanks to that it is possible to understand everything easier. |
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