Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2013 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Večeřová, Lucie
Maněk, Lubor
Programování robotů The article deals with programming robots. Shows a preview of how to teach children to program. For programming we use a new type of construction H & S robotic system. Programming robots can be integrated into teaching in primary schools. Programming is playful,... |
Večeřa, Adam
Konfigurace a programování PLC Main topic of thesis is creation of educational support for education of programming and realization of simple applications on programmable logic controller Allen-Bradley, which will be used as base of programming of logic controller course. Main subject is description of hardwa... |
Váně, Jakub
E-learningový kurz z oboru technických komunikačních prostředků a jeho aplikace ve výuce In my diploma thesis "E-learning course in the field of the technical communication tools and its application in education" I deal with creating an electronic learning course. My aim is to make students familiar with various communication tools from the past to the... |
Valent, Tomáš
Pavlovkin, J.
Stebila, J.
Digitálny zaznamenávač výšky RC modelu lietadla V tomto príspevku sa venujeme návrhu a vyhotoveniu digitálneho zaznamenávača výšky rádiom riadeného modelu lietadla. Zariadenie ukladá namerané dáta z modelu lietadla, každú jednu sekundu po dobu viac ako dvoch hodín. Zariadenie pracuje pomocou mikrokontroléra ATmega 168 PA. ATmega 1... |
Švárová, Jana
Metody rozvíjení jemné motoriky žáků na prvním stupni základní školy This diploma thesis is concerned with methods for the development of fine motor skills in primary school pupils and with the incorporation of this aspect in the school learning programme included in the framework education programme Humans and the World of Work. The... |
Števík, Marek
Dajme veciam druhú šancu Pri bežnej práci s informačnými technickými prostriedkami často nastane situácia kedy zariadenie alebo prístroj prestane plniť svoju funkciu kvôli poškodeniu alebo kvôli tomu že zariadenie je už zastarané a to mu znemožňuje plniť funkcie ktoré od neho vyžadujeme. Zamerali sme sa... |
Jaka, Rožac
Bezjak, Jožica
Slosar, Mirko
Early teaching techniques in the form of correlations between technique and music: production e-diatonic accordion of the projectwork model PUD-BJ "From idea to product" V sedanjem sodobnem svetu tehnologije in hitrega napredka, se ljudje večinoma ne ozirajo nazaj v preteklost in tako pozabljajo na izdelke naših dedkov in babic. Nekoč zelo pomembni predmeti krasijo zgolj še kakšno dnevno sobo, oziroma muzej. Moderna tehnologija in sodobni m... |
Perlová, Petra
Preference učitelů při vyučování manuálních dovedností na 1. stupni základní školy This contribution is focused on developing the skills of teachers in primary education for the management of pupils' learning in the educational area Man and the world of work. These are skills and teaching strategies that have been selected in terms of the pr... |
Nováková, Kateřina
Model sluneční soustava This text is about production of solar system model and its use at primary school in biology. This text also offers possibilities of production of model by pupils in the school. |
Nosál, Peter
Stebila, Ján
Využitie komerčného výrobku (robot NXT) vo vyučovacom predmete technika Príspevok je zameraný na predmet technika a na uplatnenie rôznych komerčných výrobkov pri vyučovaní tohto predmetu. Za príklad bol vybraný výrobok LEGO MINDSTORMS pre jeho rozšírenosť na školách a variabilitu využitia. Príspevok sa tiež zameriava na základný opis výrobku a rôzne... |
Mlejnková, Barbora
Sám sobě knihařem Everybody work with books, nevertheless creating of books looks really complicated. We could make graphic design and typesetting with basic text editors, or we could make manuscript. So if you would like to do book, you have only one technical problem – bookbinding, ... |
Kret, Wojciech
Michnowicz, Mateusz
Białogłowski, Robert
Drukarka 3D oparta na dokumentacji RepRap W artykule znajduje się wyjaśnienie druku 3D, krótki opis budowy drukarki “Prusa Mendel” opartej na otwartej dokumentacji RepRap oraz przykłady teoretycznego zastosowania druku 3D podczas zajęć technicznych. |
Maur, Martin
Interaktivní výuka na 1. stupni ZŠ This article was based on the experience of a five-week continuous practice in elementary school, where I used the author software SMART Notebook 11 to create digital teaching materials. This article is focused on how to easily create your own digital teaching material... |
Malčánková, Dominika
Mapa krajů České republiky This product can be used as a didactic tool for teaching on the first grade of Elemtary school. It can be used in many ways for the teacher´s or pupil´s work. |
Kubecová, Zuzana
Elektrodomek Electrohouse is a training device designed for classes teaching how to build simple electrical circuits. It consists of 4 circuits comprising bell, light bulb, fan and stairway switch connection. The device is made mostly of recycled old stuff. This training device illustra... |
Král, Jan
Trojcípé domino This work discusses about three – arm domino game. This is an old game in a new unique design with new possibilities of use. This work includes not only issues related to the creation of the product itself, but also possible modifications and utilizations in t... |
Kotek, Lukáš
Výzkum používaných programovacích jazyků na středních školách The thesis researchs even other programming languages used in education and their suitability for this purpose and compares them with Python programming language. It also finds two most common used programming languages at high schools, which are Pascal / Object Pascal ... |
Kotek, Lukáš
Model lodi řízený modulem Arduino The article resumes the semestral project of the subject Robotics and process control, which is a model of a ship controled by open source module Arduino, operated by Android smartphone and programmed by programming language Python, projected in open source CAD software ... |
Kopecký, Miroslav
Osvetlenie priechodu pre chodcov s bezpečnostnou signalizáciou Priechody pre chodcov sú súčasťou rozsiahlych infraštruktúr cestných sietí nie iba na Slovensku ale vo všetkých vyspelejších krajinách sveta. Niektoré sú vytvárané z ohľadom na bezpečnosť chodcov a tiež na plynulosť cestnej premávky. Cieľom práce ŠVOUČ je analyzovanie technológií pou... |
Hauznerová, Ivona
Konášová, Kateřina
Mobilní divadélko pro nejmenší The article describes how to manually make a mobile theatre for children's theatre performances. The theatre is primarily designed for children of first level of primary school, where the theatre will help teachers for teaching variegation and the students will be involved... |
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- Olympiáda techniky
- 33 2013