Název: Proměny katolické religiozity tachovského okresu v uplynulých letech
Autoři: Stočes, Jiří
Váně, Jan
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: STOČES, Jiří; VÁNĚ, Jan. Proměny katolické religiozity tachovského okresu v uplynulých letech. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta filozofická, Katedra sociologie, 2016. 33 s. (Working Paper No. 03-16).
Datum vydání: 2016
Nakladatel: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta filozofická, Katedra sociologie
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://ff.zcu.cz/kss/veda-vyzkum/pracovni-texty/2016/WP_-03_16_Historick-sociologie---Promny-katolick-religiozity-tachovskho-okresu-v-uplynulch-sto-letech.pdf
Klíčová slova: okres Tachov;religiozita;paměť;Tachov region;religiosity;memory
Abstrakt: In this study, we explored the transformations of r eligiosity within the town of Tachov region, targeting particularly the majority religious group , i.e. the Roman Catholics (who, despite the sharp decline demonstrated in the 2011 census, rema in the most numerous confession in the region). We used both hard and soft data to demonst rate that this “strongly Catholic reality of the region”, which has shaped the religious disc ourse and served as a major source of religious memory is, however, rather problematic. T he most general conclusion that we came to was that even though many migrants who came to t he region after the World War II were religious (and most of them Catholics), they were n ot tied to the area through any family, cultural, social or religious ties. Secondly, we con clude that religious ties created during communism have been rather week ever since their cr eation.
Práva: © Jiří Stočes - Jan Váně
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Edice pracovních textů Katedry sociologie / Series of working papers Department of sociology (KSS)

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