Název: | Geothermal energy in Slovakia |
Autoři: | Kušnír, Stanislav |
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: | Proceedings of the Intensive Programme 2011. 1st ed. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia. Faculty of electrical engineering. Department of electrical power engineering and environmental engineering, 2011, s. 39-42. ISBN 978-80-261-0010-2. |
Datum vydání: | 2011 |
Nakladatel: | University of West Bohemia. Faculty of electrical engineering. Department of electrical power engineering and environmental engineering |
Typ dokumentu: | konferenční příspěvek conferenceObject |
URI: | http://home.zcu.cz/~tesarova/IP/Proceedings/Proc_2011/index.htm http://hdl.handle.net/11025/22461 |
ISBN: | 978-80-261-0010-2 |
Klíčová slova: | geotermální zdroje Slovensko obnovitelné zdroje energie |
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: | geothermal resources Slovakia renewable energy sources |
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: | The Slovak Republic is a landlocked state in Central Europe. It has a population of over five million and an area of about 49,000 square kilometers. Slovakia is a landlocked country bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south. Slovakia is one of the countries in central Europe with high geothermal resources occurrence which are not used sufficiently. The disadvantage of these sources is a low temperature. These low temperature sources can be used directly for district heating or to produce electrical power. The largest source in Eastern Slovakia is located in a placed near Košice city – Ďurkov. |
Práva: | © University of West Bohemia |
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích: | Proceedings of the intensive programme 2011 Proceedings of the intensive programme 2011 |
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