Title: Energy performance of buildings
Authors: Hlubeň, Daniel
Beňa, Ľubomír
Citation: Proceedings of the Intensive Programme 2007. 1st ed. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia. Faculty of electrical engineering. Department of electrical power engineering and environmental engineering, 2007, s. 40-45. ISBN 978-80-7043-541-0.
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: University of West Bohemia. Faculty of electrical engineering. Department of electrical power engineering and environmental engineering
Document type: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://home.zcu.cz/~tesarova/IP/Proceedings/Proc_2007/index.htm
ISBN: 978-80-7043-541-0
Keywords: spotřeba energie
Keywords in different language: energy consumption
Abstract in different language: The paper entitled “Energy performance of buildings” deals with the new standard prEN 15 193. The main goal of this standard is to assess energy consumption of lighting in a building and minimize energy consumption of lighting.
Rights: © University of West Bohemia
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the intensive programme 2007
Proceedings of the intensive programme 2007

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