CPEE – AMTEE 2015 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Capizzi, G.
Lo Savio, F.
La Rosa, G.
Lo Sciuto, G.
Creep assessment in hyperelastic material by 3D neural network reconstructor using bulge testing In this paper is presented a new methodology based on Neural Network which, making use of the Bulge Testing able to reconstruct the three-dimensional dome of the bulge test and also to obtain the membrane stress and strain fields of the material under investigation. |
Radil, Roman
Barabáš, Ján
Coil system proposal for homogeneous LF-EMF application The presented article deals with numerical simulations to design new exposure coil system employable in various biomedical experiments. The main criteria during the design of the exposure coil concerned the electromagnetic field homogeneity within the exposed volume to assure precise ... |
Luptakova, Eva
Faktorová, Dagmar
Breast tissue phantom used at microwave frequency range Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in developing and developed countries. Research is ongoing to continually improve cancer treatment success and elimination of side effects. Research has often used tissue phantoms that simulate those of the actual tiss... |
Papezova, Mária
Faktorová, Dagmar
Application of microwaves on dental diagnose The aim of our work is to present application of microwaves and compare dielectric properties of dental material without defects in defined frequency range and subsequently comparing properties in defective material as changes in material and classifying the occurrence of inhomogeneit... |
Jajczyk, Jarosław
Kasprzyk, Leszek
Speeding-up the optimization calculation in technical problems The paper presents the problems related to reduction of the duration of technical problems optimization. The reduction is achieved with the use of the genetic algorithm to be run on multiprocessor computers. Exemplary computation tasks are depicted and the methods of parallelizat... |
Mach, František
Karban, Pavel
Software design of optimization laboratory OptiLab An overview of the software design, methods and data abstraction of the OptiLab framework is presented. The framework is aimed at the advanced analysis and optimization of mathematical models of physical fields and also coupled problems. The algorithms of the framework are i... |
Nedostup, Leonid
Kiselychnyk, Myroslav
Zayarnyuk, Pavlo
Optimization of the reliability ensuring of radioelectronic equipment In this paper presents proposals for the REE reliability ensure methods supplement, which allows to optimize the manufacturing process, to calculate the impact of defects, to predicting parametrical reliability. This will improve overall reliability and reduce the cost of its maintena... |
Warda, Ahmad
Toepfer, Hannes
On the information content of sensor placement optimization Figures of merit are used to estimate the information content and to optimize the sensor placement. They are the key to find an optimal sensor placement, which gives the most available information from a system under investigation with a minimal number of sensors. In... |
Mach, František
Karban, Pavel
Doležel, Ivo
Genetic algorithm with prediction of unsuitable variants based on existing solutions A modified genetic algorithm is proposed for optimization of the systems of mathematical models described by partial differential equations. This algorithm makes use of automatic prediction of problematic variants from technical and also numerical viewpoints. The algorithm is implemented i... |
Filipiak, Michał
Phase angle analysis of a wireless power supply system The article presents an analysis of two manners of compensating electrical energy transmission systems. Depending on the load resistance and power supply frequency, phase characteristics are shown. Methods of obtaining the highest efficiency of a system are described. |
Koudela, Lukáš
Numerical analysis of thermoelastic friction clutch A thermoelastic friction clutch for transferring mechanical torque is proposed and modeled in this paper. The friction force between the driving and driven parts of the system is produced by mechanical stress of thermoelastic origin. The computations of the typical illustrative e... |
Pogrebisskiy, Mikhail
Solovjov, Timofey
Influence of a configuration of current leads on uniformity of a temperature field in the resistance furnace with carbon-carbon composite heaters Thermal processes in the high-temperature vacuum resistance furnace with carbon-carbon composite heaters taking into account influence of current leads are investigated by method of mathematical modeling. The configuration of current leads providing uniformity of a temperature field in the heated ... |
Mayer, Daniel
Ulrych, Bohuš
Kropík, Petr
Heating of three-phase shielded supply at short circuit Supplying conductors of high-powered electrical devices are highly stressed mechanically and thermally, in particular at short circuits. Mechanical stress on these conductors can significantly be reduced using wires shielded with steel jackets. On the other hand, the presence of shielding&... |
Kondrashov, Vladimir
Pogrebisskiy, Mikhail
Salmanova, Elmira
Development of ways of increase of ore-heating electric furnaces for production of ferroalloys efficiency Ways of increase of ore-heating electric furnaces, used for production of ferroalloys, efficiency are considered. The advanced system of automatic control of the ore-heating furnace providing improvement of technical and economic indicators of technological process and adaptability to quality... |
Kuvaldin, Aleksandr
Fedin, Maxim
Generalov, Ivan
Determination electrical parameters lumpy ferromagnetic charge when heated to the Curie point The article investigates the changes in the electrical parameters of the induction crucible furnace with a ferromagnetic lumpy charge. Methods of research change the settings of the induction furnace with heating to the Curie point was chosen physical modeling as an analytical... |
Koudela, Lukáš
Karban, Pavel
Mach, František
Schlosser, Martin
Sýkora, Martin
Karel, Jan
Analysis of natural frequencies in the transformer core This paper presents results of natural frequency analysis of the 3D numerical model of transformer. The goal is to map structural dynamics and vibrations of its selected parts with respect of the mechanical resonance. The model taking into account the real arrangement of... |
Doležel, Ivo
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