Název: Study of suitable arrangement of magnetic circuits for realization of magnetocaloric effect
Autoři: Doležel, Ivo
Ota, Josef
Ulrych, Bohuš
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: AMTEE ’09 : eighth international conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering : September 07-09, 2009 [Cheb, Czech Republic].
Datum vydání: 2009
Nakladatel: University of West Bohemia
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://cpee.zcu.cz/AMTEE/ArchivedProceedings/proceedings_AMTEE_2009/index.html
ISBN: 978-80-7043-821-3
Klíčová slova: magneto-efekt;magnetické pole;permanentní magnet;metoda konečných prvků
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: magnetocaloric effect;magnetic field;permanent magnet;finite element method
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: The paper is stimulated by one of very prospective physical domains – magnetic cooling based on the magnetocaloric effect. Successful realization of this effect requires a magnetic circuit with permanent magnets producing very strong and uniform magnetic field and the paper deals with arrangements of such circuits. Its crucial point consists in the presentation and consequent discussion of the results that allow estimating the suitability of the considered magnetic circuits.
Práva: © University of West Bohemia
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:CPEE – AMTEE 2009

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