Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KKS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šmíd, Matěj
Jizdní simulátor motocyklu s propojením na modely ve VR This bachelor thesis deals with the design of the mechanical part of a motorcycle simulator. The aim of the thesis is to design a financially acceptable motorcycle simulator, whose structure must be strong and rigid enough to allow the exploration of riding with a passenger.... |
Převrátil, Tomáš
Magnetická ložiska a MAGLEVy Bachelor thesis - At the beginning of my work, I conduct a review of magnetic levitation. I describe the principle of magnetic levitation and the methods by which it can be achieved. I also describe the materials that are important for understanding the subsequent chapters.... |
Rota, Ondřej
Návrh skořepinového kompozitního rámu pro vůz kategorie formule student s elektrickým pohonem This thesis deals with the basic design and fabrication of a composite shell structure for the frame of an electrically powered formula car that will participate in the Formula Student competition. It superficially introduces the reader to the design issues of composite shell struc... |
Moulis, Matěj
Protichůdné požadavky při výběru materiálu v konstruování This thesis includes a description and subsequent practical demonstration of selecting suitable material in the mechanical design, which involves conflicting constrains. The practical demonstration is then related to the selection of material for a car brake disc. |
Novák, Ondřej
Návrh kastomizovaného ovladače pro virtuální realitu The bachelor thesis includes the design of an ergonomic attachment for the Oculus Quest 2 virtual reality controller. The aim of the thesis was to create an attachment that had the appearance of a firearm. Specifically, two attachments were to be created for the left cont... |
Kalčík, David
Zařízení pro manipulaci s plastovými blistry The bachelor's thesis focuses on the design of a free-standing handling device for plastic blisters. The first part of the work contains general information about ENGEL, competing companies and their products. Subsequently, the requirements are specified, from important features to the t... |
Macho, Pavel
Návrh nástupu do vozu This bachelor's thesis focuses on the design of a door mechanism for the boarding area of a low-floor public transportation train, including the specification of parameters necessary for this design. The objective is to analyze the existing boarding parameters and identify key facto... |
Muchka, Martin
Návrh rámu a pracovních válců válcovací stolice DUO The main topic and aim of this bachelor thesis is the design of the working rolls, frame and roller ar-rangement of the DUO rolling mill. This bachelor thesis is divided into two parts. The first theoretical part briefly describes the history of rolling mills, the current... |
Wolf, Vojtěch
Návrh cyklistických válců This bachelor thesis deals with the design of bicycle rollers. The first part of the thesis deals with the theoretical aspect of bicycle rollers. It includes general information about bicycle rollers and their his-tory. The thesis looks at possible alternatives to bicycle rollers, ... |
Hrubý, Jan
Vyvážecí dopravník pro malé díly The bachelor's thesis contains a structural design of an export conveyor for small parts. The design consists of three alternatives, from which a sub-optimal alternative is selected using the EDSM method and constructed using the CAD software Inventor Professional 2024. The structural... |
Drmola, Vojtěch
Železniční vůz - prostor pro přepravu cestujícího na invalidním vozíku This bachelor thesis focuses on the interior design of a single compartment for wheelchair users and an adjacent toilet that is accessible for wheelchair users. Another proposed space is the adjacent hygiene area, which is only accessible to non-disabled passengers. The con... |
Dvořák, Ondřej
Sekundární vypružení osobních podvozků This bachelor's thesis focuses on the design of a bogie for a passenger railway vehicle. The conducted research showcased various implementations of secondary suspension in passenger cars. The main objective was to create a concept for a Jakobs bogie. The design includes a weld... |
Blažek, Tomáš
Návrh průběžných jednotek pro indukční zpracování drátu This paper contains a description of the structural design of feed-through units for induction wire processing. The primary function of this device is to feed the charge through the induction heating coil in a defined manner. The paper describes the entire design process in th... |
Brůha, Michal
Návrh uložení kuličkového šroubu pro delší pojezdy This bachelor thesis deals with the design of a ball screw bearing for longer travels. The theoretical part includes a survey of ball screw manufacturers and mapping of competitive solutions. It provides a general description of ball screws, specific design proposals, and their eva... |
Bařtipán, Matěj
Návrh pojistné spojky s pružnou spojkou This bachelor thesis deals with a design that combines a safety and flexible coupling in one device. The main objective was to design a safety part, to which a flexible component was then suitably connected. For this reason, a search through the whole spectrum of coupling... |
Hošek, Jan
Lis na pelety The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to construct a pellet press with a small power, intended especially for operation in a domestic environment. The first part deals with the research of pellet presses as such. First, the characteristics and problems of pellets are ... |
Kostka, Ondřej
Hrubá stavba (skříň) železničního vozu ComplexTrans The bachelor thesis includes the design and calculations using the finite element method of a specific rail car ComplexTrans, which transports not only ordinary passengers, but also passengers with their e-cars (so-called coupe cars) or freight transport modules or parcel boxes with goo... |
Burian, Matouš
Montážní lis 30t The bachelor's thesis includes the design of the assembly press up to 30t. In the theoretical part, it was done first by splitting the presses and researching the subject, followed by market research. The practical part includes an analytical design of the frame and its... |
Kuba, Evžen
Návrh konzoly sedadla The bachelor's thesis discusses the structural design of the side suspension bracket of the rail set seats, the solution of the overhang reinforcement using computer simulation and the calculation of static and dynamic loads using the NX program. |
Szpuk, Oldřich
Návrh vstřikovací formy pro víčka PET lahví The bachelor's thesis contains research on the topic of injection molds and injection technology and a design of an injection mold for the production of plastic caps for PET bottles. The content of the work is also a computer analysis of the injec... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra konstruování strojů / Department of Machine Design
- 49 design
- 48 cad
- 41 konstrukce
- 28 construction
- další >
- 383 bakalářská práce
- 96 2020 - 2024
- 287 2012 - 2019