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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorBarbato, Davide
dc.contributor.editorSkala, Václav
dc.identifier.citationWSCG 2014: communication papers proceedings: 22nd International Conference in Central Europeon Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Visionin co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS Association, p. 189-194.en
dc.format6 s.cs
dc.publisherVáclav Skala - UNION Agencycs
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWSCG 2014: communication papers proceedingsen
dc.rights@ Václav Skala - UNION Agencycs
dc.subjectIFC objektový datový modelcs
dc.subjectbudování informačního modelovánícs
dc.titleA methodological approach to BIM designen
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedMore and more often the clients and the decision makers, require that the designers provide charts with realistic representations of the buildings from the earliest stages of design. Some of the requirements demanded to the specialists involved in the construction industry are the increase of the representative quality – intrinsic of the designed work – and the time and price reduction. However, those requirements are hardly combinable: before taking any choice it needs the right times of meditation in order to not neglect basic aspects that affect the time and the cost of implementation, and the quality of the work. Therefore, the designers face with the problem of delivering projects full of information, as quickly as possible. Furthermore, we do not have to forget that the involved areas concern in the same way the structural, the architectural and the MEP aspect. The threedimensional models, conceptual and photo-realistic rendering, videos, etc., are just some of the possible infographics representations available and required by the market. Pursuant to the sectorialization of the specific professional skills, the Building Information Modeling is considered as a possible panacea that is able to face the interdisciplinary inefficiencies in building projects [1] and to reduce the planning times without affecting its quality. It must pay attention to the evolution of the information and data’s exchange and management techniques that constitute a complex project. With this contribution we want to analyze the level of interoperability between three BIM software ArchiCAD 16 by Graphisoft®, Revit Architecture 2013 and Robot Structural Analysis both by Autodesk® confirming the compatibility of data exchange and, if necessary, how to proceed in the case of loss of information in the transition from one software to another. In particular the Graphisoft® program will be used for the architectural modeling of a residential building, Revit Architecture as control software of the BIM management project and finally Robot Structural Analysis for the structural analysis of the reinforced concrete frames in the same building.en
dc.subject.translatedIFC object data modelen
dc.subject.translatedbuilding information modelingen
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