Texte de spécialité, texte scientifique á l'université
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Horová, Helena
Exploitation didactique de la terminologoie et de la définition dans les cours de français de spécialité The main objective of our paper is related to the previous publications of the author who had for the object the textual analys. The communication seeks above all to define the basic terms of the term: terminology and definition based on Czech and French linguistic source... |
Dedková, Iva
Quels textes pour enseigner le français du tourisme dans une université tchèque ? The paper focuses on the types of the texts suitable to be used in the subject of French for tourism which is taught at the University of Ostrava. It deals with their function, necessary traits, possible themes and particular linguistic features (specialized vocabulary, orthography... |
Koláříková, Dagmar
Le mémoire, ce n’est pas seulement un tas de pages couvertes de petits caractères noirs This paper develops an accurate portrait of grammatical errors made by students of French at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The data used in this study comprised theses of twenty university students learning French. The study... |
Mudrochová, Radka
Les mots en -ing dans le français d’aujourd’hui issus du journal Le Nouvel Économiste: des termes économiques ou des créations propres au style journalistique ? The aim of this paper is to characterize "semispecialized" texts from the economic field published in the newspaper Le Nouvel Économiste in terms of the use of lexemes ending at -ing in contemporary French. The study first represents our set of work with words ending... |
Doïmadjian-Grigoryan, Kariné
Analyse des pratiques numériques de la formation à l’écriture scientifique The analysis of the use of the Moodle at the university level remains in the focus of our publications: we have previously treated the issues of learner autonomy, language learning, online diagnostic tests, collaboration in a digital space. In this article as an author of ... |
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