Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAZ) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Winnová, Irena
Cytologické vyšetření štítné žlázy a jeho korelace s histopatologickým nálezem. The thesis compares two methods of thyroid examination and discusses their connection and use in thyroid cancer screening. The theoretical part is focused on the structure and function of the normal and pathologically altered thyroid gland. In the practical part, I use as backgroun... |
Krtová, Klára
Zajištění pacienta s traumatem v rámci modelové situace z pohledu studenta oboru Zdravotnický záchranář This bachelor thesis on the topic "Health care of a trauma patient in a model situation by a paramedic student" addresses the level of practical skills demonstrated by students of the Faculty of Health Care Studies at West Bohemian University in simulated situation... |
Bulant, Matěj
Vyšetření CNS metodami nukleární medicíny The bachelor's thesis is called examination of the central nervous system using nuclear medicine methods. It is divided into two parts. The theoretical part includes the basic anatomy and pathology of the central nervous system, radioactivity and individual types of radiation, including&... |
Rydrychová, Tereza
Endometriální karcinom, typ 3 dle molekulární klasifikace endometriálních karcinomů. Morfologické a imunohistochemické vlastnosti této skupiny nádorů. The bachelor thesis focuses on Endometrial Carcinomas. Specifically on endometrial carcinoma type 3, or carcinoma without a specific molecular profile. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the classification of endometrial carcinomas, description of individual groups,... |
Svitáková, Barbora
Komunikace s osobou demonstrující úmysl sebevraždy z pohledu zdravotnického záchranáře This Bachelor thesis deals with communication with persons demonstrating suicidal intents from the perspective of a paramedic. The thesis is divided to theoretical and practical parts. The goal is to map communication skills of paramedics towards persons with suicidal tendencies. The&... |
Hajčiarová, Petra
Specifika ošetřovatelské péče o obézního pacienta v intenzivní péči The bachelor thesis deals with the specifics of nursing care for the obese patient in intensive care. It is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part of the thesis is aimed at introducing the topic of obesity and nursing care of the obese patient&... |
Kosová, Eliška
Využití termodiagnostických metod ve zdravotnické praxi This Bachelor thesis is focused on the collection, statistical processing and subsequent analysis of data, obtained as part of the BETERKA project. The subject is research into methods of contactless measurement of body temperature in an effort to identify people with elevated body ... |
Běhounková, Tereza
Výskyt rizikových faktorů kardiovaskulárních onemocnění u zdravotnických pracovníků pracujících v PNP a NNP The Bachelor's thesis on "The incidence of cardiovascular disease risk factors in healthcare professionals working in pre-hospital and hospital emergency care" focused mainly on the description of risk factors and prevention cardiovascular diseases. The main objective is to detect the... |
Veselá, Adéla
Vybavení vrtulníků poskytovatele letecké záchranné služby v České republice The bachelor thesis deals with the equipment of helicopters used by the providers of air-ambulance services in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the first chapter of the theoretical part, the history and development of the air&... |
Bondar, Rostyslav
Infekce spojené se zdravotní péčí u pacientů na JIP The topic of this bachelor thesis is "Healthcare associated infections in ICU patients." The thesis consists of theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part we focused on the definition and classification of healthcare associated infections, the legislative framework for pre... |
Turková, Anna
Hodnocení kvality života obézního pacienta při hospitalizaci na JIP. The topic of this bachelor thesis is Quality of Life Assessment of Obese Patient during Hospitalization in ICU. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part of the thesis deals comprehensively with the problem of obesity. It describes the o... |
Rek, Filip
Výskyt akutních komplikací diabetu mellitu v přednemocniční neodkladné péči. The topic of our bachelor thesis is the prevalence of acute diabetic mellitus complications in pre-hospital emergency care. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part of our bachelor thesis, we focus on the disease diabetes mellitus ... |
Šteif, David
Diferenciální diagnostika křečových stavů v přednemocniční neodkladné péči The topic of the bachelor thesis is differential diagnosis of seizures in pre-hospital emergency care. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part we describe pre-hospital care and differentiation of seizures. Furthermore, we address ... |
Kopčová, Klára
Poskytování posttraumatické intervenční péče složkami IZS This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of providing post-traumatic intervention care by the Integrated Rescue System. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part of this thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter focuses on the ... |
Kincl, Ondřej
Paliativní péče a její začlenění do výuky ve studijním programu Zdravotnické záchranářství The topic of this bachelor thesis is paliative care and it's incorporation into education in study programme Paramedical science. Thesis is focused on general meaning of paliative care, it's patients and frequent symptoms, places used for paliative care and teaching methods. It's... |
Krejčí, Adam
Specifika péče o pacienta s plicním edémem na urgentním příjmu This bachelor thesis deals with the specifics of the care of patients with pulmonary oedema in the emergency department. The main aim of the theoretical part of this bachelor thesis is to introduce pulmonary oedema, especially the most common possible ways of its occurrence. A... |
Trávníček, Tomáš
Paliativní péče v prostředí zdravotnické záchranné služby The bachelor thesis on "Palliative care in the ambulance service environment" deals with the current state of palliative care in ambulance services. The thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is divided into two chapter... |
Martanová, Andrea
Připravenost ZZS na řešení MU s HPO The topic of the bachelor thesis is " Preparedness of Emergency medical services to deal with Unexpected Emergency Events with Mass Casualty Incident ". In the theoretical part, in the first chapter we deal with the Medical Rescue Service, its activities, organization an... |
Kolář, Vojtěch
Spolupráce složek integrovaného záchranného systému při záchraně pohřešovaných osob The bachelor thesis on the topic "Cooperation of the integrated rescue system components in rescuing missing persons" deals with the cooperation of the integrated rescue system components in the search for missing persons. The work is divided into theoretical and ... |
Korbel, Jáchym
Diagnostika diabetu mellitu v metabolické ordinaci ÚKBH FN Plzeň The bachelor's thesis deals with the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in the metabolic clinic of the ÚKBH FN Plzeň. The introduction to the theoretical part is devoted to the anatomy and physiology of the pancreas, insulin and glucose metabolism. Furthermore, the concepts of diab... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies
- Katedra záchranářství, diagnostických oborů a veřejného zdravotnictví / Department of Rescue Services, Diagnostic Fields and Public Health