Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAZ) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pašek, Václav
Detekce nadváhy a obezity v lipidové poradně, vztah antropometrických a metabolických parametrů This bachelor´s thesis is focused on the issue of obesity and metabolic syndrome. In the theoretical part, both issues are analyzed from several different perspectives (definition, diagnosis, treatment etc.). In the practical part, the methodology, the patient group and the results are ... |
Lomozová, Markéta
Hodnocení shody mezi hodnotitely při histologické kvantifikaci nálezu mikroorganismu Helicobacter pylori v biopsii sliznice žaludku. The Bachelor's thesis looks at the quantitative match of the number of Helicobacter pylori microorganisms among those assessed in gastric mucosal biopsies dyed by warthin-starry and Giemsa methods. The work, aided by statistical evaluation, points to better visibility of bacteria in samp... |
Volfová, Natálie
Autoimunní onemocnění štítné žlázy a jejich souvislost s těhotenstvím a onkologií The bachelor thesis focuses on the importance of thyroid antibody testing in pregnant women and people with cancer. The thesis has two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes the anatomy, histology and physiology of the thyroid gland, the characteristics of... |
Marková, Natálie
Zástava oběhu v důsledku traumatu a její řešení v rámci přednemocniční neodkladné péče This bachelor´s thesis addresses the topic of "Cardiac arrest due to trauma and its solution in prehospital emergency care". The theoretical part is divided into 5 main chapters. The first chapter is focused on the anatomy of the heart and the bloodstream. The secon... |
Koutná, Eliška
Intoxikace CO v PNP a ochrana výjezdových skupin ZZS The bachelor thesis is devoted to the problem of carbon monoxide intoxication in pre-hospital emergency care and the protection of ambulance groups. The content is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals with an introduction to carbon monoxide, its prope... |
Kešnerová, Adéla
Laktátdehydrogenáza jako marker integrity buněčné membrány Oxidative stress is a condition in which reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body outnumber the organism's ability to neutralize them with antioxidants. This condition may be associated with various diseases and pathological processes. Lifestyle and dietary changes can be key fact... |
Káňová, Štěpánka
Histopatologický přístup k diagnostice idiopatických střevních zánětlivých onemocnění. The Bachelor´s thesis focuses on providing a detailed description of morphological pathological changes that occur in idiopathic intestinal inflammation, namely Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The thesis is divided into two main parts-theoretical and practical. The theoretical segment emphasize... |
Kaslová, Kateřina
Charakterizace NK buněk u pacientek s endometriózou Endometriosis is a progressive chronic condition characterized by the presence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. It is a very common disorder, affecting up to 15 % of women of reproductive age, often leading to chronic pelvic pain and infertility. The pat... |
Chmelíková, Adéla
Testování biokompatibility 3D materiálu pro kostní tkáňové inženýrství This bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of skafolds in tissue engineering to be used as bone substitutes. Bone regeneration after damage due to trauma or disease is a frequently addressed medical problem worldwide. A number of materials are being tested to replace missing ... |
Baslová, Tereza
Interakce makrofágů s biomateriálem pro kostní tkáňové inženýrství The bachelor thesis entitled Interaction of macrophages with biomaterial in bone tissue engineering deals with testing the effect of hydrogel on macrophage polarization in vitro. Interleukin production, morphology and viability of THP-1 cells were monitored during the experiment. |
Švachová, Klára
Laboratorní postupy v prenatální genetické diagnostice This thesis focuses mainly on methods of invasive prenatal diagnosis and comparison of their findings of chromosomal aberrations. In the theoretical part I describe the laboratory methods, formulate advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, I describe indications for genetic testing, methods of ... |
Voříšková, Anežka
Krevně skupinové systémy- antigeny a protilátky This bachelo'r thesis mainly deals with the determination of antierytrocyar antibodies and blood groups in patients of the Pilsen University Hospital. The theoretical part contains basic information abou tblood systems, their antigens and antibodies. Other major chapters ... |
Štěchová, Barbora
Sledování postvakcinační odpovědi u pacientů s imunosupresí This bachelor thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part summarizes the methods that can be used in clinical practice to evaluate the immune sys-tem reactions induced after vaccination. These methods are divided according to whether they monitor the hum... |
Vaverková, Kateřina
Referenční meze parametrů mozkomíšního moku v dětském věku This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of cerebrospinal fluid reference limits in the neonatal population. The thesis consists of two parts, a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part deals mainly with a general description of cerebrospinal fluid, basic cerebrospin... |
Zelenková, Adéla
Klinická diagnostika infekcí způsobených rezistentními stafylokoky This bachelor thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part, the thesis focuses on a detailed introduction to the genus Staphylococcus spp. This part provides a detailed overview of the general characteristics of staphylococci, including virulence factors, o... |
Jindra, Michal
Monoklonální gamapatie v osteologické ambulanci - frekvence, vývoj v čase, laboratorní profil pacientů s MGUS a mnohočetným myelomem The study analyzed the frequency, type of MGUS, and multiple myeloma in a cohort of patients undergoing bone densitometry examination. It evaluated the frequency of osteoporosis and bone metabolism status in MGUS. From 2009-2016, a total of 7,896 patients (6,793 women, 1,103 men) w... |
Sadilová, Natálie
Validace metody stanovení acetonu v séru/krvi metodou plynové chromatografie This bachelor thesis focuses on the determination of acetone in serum/blood by gas chromatography. Acetone belongs to the group of ketone bodies, the determination of which plays an important role in forensic medicine. The determination of these substances can be particularly useful... |
Mráz, Tomáš
Sledování vlivu polyfenolických látek na vlastnosti tkáňových kultur This bachelor's thesis investigates the effect of gallic acid and epigallocatechin gallate on the proliferation potential of the B cell line C1R, using the methods of real-time cell analysis using the IncuCyte device, flow cytometry and the ImageJ program. The results between these&... |
Slívová, Štěpánka
Lymská borelióza a možnosti její laboratorní diagnostiky This paper presents a summary of the current knowledge on Lyme disease. It describes the causative agents of the disease, the knowledge about the circulation of the agent in nature, the mode of transmission, pathogenesis and possible therapy. The main chapters include an overview... |
Lízalová, Veronika
Trendy ve výskytu vankomycin rezistentních enterokoků v klinickém materiálu ve Fakultní nemocnici Plzeň This bachelor thesis is focused on the problem of antibiotic resistance in the Enterococcus genus in the University Hospital Pilsen. The theoretical part describes the characteristics of the bacterial genus Enterococcus, possible antibiotic treatment, further the theoretical part is devoted to... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies
- Katedra záchranářství, diagnostických oborů a veřejného zdravotnictví / Department of Rescue Services, Diagnostic Fields and Public Health