Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAZ) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kvačová, Adina Klára
Laboratorní diagnostika acidobazických poruch The bachelor thesis entitled Laboratory Diagnostics of Acid-Base Disorders deals with the issue of disturbance of the constant indoor environment by deflection of pH values and parameters associated with it. It contains detailed characteristics of acid-base balan-ce, its regulation, and individua... |
Bouzková, Dominika
Posouzení vlivu oxidativního stresu na parametry spermiogramu One of the biggest obstacles to conception is sperm quality, which is influenced by a variety of factors. Almost all of them are related to ROS and other radicals, which are significantly involved in a man's fertilization ability. In this paper, I address the q... |
Baumruková, Pavla
Patogenní enterobakterie a jejich laboratorní diagnostika The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of selected pathogens of the gastrointestinal tract and their laboratory diagnostics in the University Hospital in Pilsen. It is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, the most epidemiologically well-known species&... |
Fenderlová, Andrea
Volná cirkulující DNA v laboratorní diagnostice This theses focuses on circulating free DNA (cfDNA) in the laboratory diagnosis of liquid biopsies with an emphasis on cancer diseases. The work is divided into a theore-tical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on a systematic overview of current literature and ... |
Bílková, Karolína
Abúsus alkoholu, vliv na lidský organismus a způsoby jeho laboratorní detekce This bachelor's thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is focused on physiological and pathophysiological processes associated with alcohol abuse. There is a chapter devoted to important biomarkers of alcohol abuse, which are important for diagnos... |
Burdová, Tereza
Preimplantační vyšetření chromosomových aneuploidií metodou sekvenování nové generace The bachelor's thesis focuses on pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A), which can be part of an IVF cycle if the couple is unable to conceive even after repeated IVF cycles. During the PGT-A examination, the genetic laboratory also encoun-ters embryos that are ... |
Jansová, Štěpánka
Rekonstituce buněčné imunity po alogenní transplantaci krvetvorných kmenových buněk This paper deals with the issue of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and post-transplant reconstitution of cellular immunity. The basic data on hematopoietic stem cells, cellular immunity, donation and transplantation are described. The aim of the study was to determine the differences ... |
Podhorská, Tereza
Mamografický screening u žen v okrese Chomutov The bachelor thesis deals with breast cancer in women in the Chomutov district. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part I analyze breast cancer, which is one of the most common oncological diseases. In this part, I further discuss... |
Pflegerová, Adéla
Možnosti diagnostiky patologií biliárního traktu pomocí zobrazovacích metod This bachelor thesis focuses on the possibilities of diagnosing pathologies of the biliary tract using imaging methods. It is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes the anatomy and physiology of the gallbladder, biliary ducts, and liver,... |
Šimovičová, Natálie
Diagnostika sclerosis multiplex pomocí moderních zobrazovacích metod This bachelor thesis focuses on diagnosis of multiple sclerosis using modern imaging met-hods. The theoretical part includes general information about the disease, clinical symptoms, basic protocols for brain and spinal cord examinations using magnetic resonance imaging, as well as multiple scler... |
Tomrle, Ondřej
Kontrastní látky používané při radiodiagnostických vyšetřeních In this bachelor's thesis, I will focus on obtaining basic knowledge about contrast agents used in radiodiagnostic examinations. This is a thesis with a quantitative method of data collection using a questionnaire survey. In the first part of the theoretical part, I will deal... |
Kováříková, Simona
Využití zobrazovacích metod v diagnostice akutních traumatických stavů a polytraumat, úloha radiologického asistenta This bachelor´s thesis focuses on the possibilities of diagnosing polytrauma. The thesis has two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, there is the definition of trauma and polytrauma, injury mechanisms, scoring systems, the care algorithm for a polytrauma&... |
Kořenek, Jonáš
Perkutánní transluminální angioplastika končetinových tepen The bachelor thesis is entitled Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of limb arteries. The theoretical part describes the anatomy and pathology of the limb arteries, the procedure of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, radiation protection in the intervention room and iodine contrast agents. The... |
Nová, Adéla
Vliv screeningových programů na incidenci nádorových onemocnění v ČR The bachelor thesis entitled "The effect of screening programs on the incidence of cancer in the Czech Republic" consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with epidemiology, clinical manifestations, risk factors, screening programs and the treatment of color... |
Papež, Libor
Využití zobrazovacích metod u akutní mezenteriální ischemie This bachelor´s thesis on the topic Use of imaging methods in acute mesenteric ischemia consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. Anatomy of splanchnic vessels, characte-ristics of the disease, diagnostic options including imaging methods and treatment are described in the teoretica... |
Maxová, Natálie
Intervenční metody v mamologii The title of my bachelor's thesis is Interventional Methods in Mammology. This work consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part contains basic anatomy, the most common pathology and imaging methods used in breast examination. The work then deals with intervent... |
Kanátová, Michaela
Zobrazovací metody v diagnostice endometriózy The bachelor thesis deals with endometriosis and imaging methods used in its diagnosis. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes the anatomy of the pelvis, endometriosis and imaging methods. The practical part is divided into two parts... |
Kodlová, Kateřina
Prognostické faktory u kolorektálního karcinomu This bachelor thesis is devided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes anatomy, epidemiology, risk factors, diagnostics, prevention, prognostic factors and therapy. The practical part includes analysis and statistical processing of patient data with prognostic factors ... |
Hornik, Katsiaryna
Možnosti diagnostiky onemocnění temporomandibulárního skloubení pomocí zobrazovacích metod The following bachelor thesis focuses on imaging methods used to display dise-ases of the temporomandibular joint. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part describes the anatomy, biomechanics, etiology, pathology, clinical examination, treatment, and the use of imaging... |
Bleha, Ondřej
Perfuzní CT mozku Bachelor's thesis, which is devoted to perfusion CT of the brain and the investigation of the influence of this examination on the subsequent indication or non-indication of treatment in cerebral infarction. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies
- Katedra záchranářství, diagnostických oborů a veřejného zdravotnictví / Department of Rescue Services, Diagnostic Fields and Public Health