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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorChadova, Kristina
dc.contributor.authorMankovsky, Sergiy
dc.contributor.authorMinár, Jan
dc.contributor.authorEbert, Hubert
dc.identifier.citationCHADOVA, K., MANKOVSKY, S., MINÁR, J., EBERT, H. Impact of finite temperatures on the transport properties of Gd from first principles. Physical Review B, 2017, roč. 95, č. 12. ISSN 2469-9950.en
dc.description.abstractV tejto publikácii študujeme vplyv konečnej teploty na elektrickú vodivosť tuhých látok. V magntickom systéme ako je Gd je nutné zahrnúť do popisu nielen pohyb mriežky ale aj spinově fluktuácie. Tu prezentujeme formalizmus na základe CPA teórie ako zahrnúť tieto efekty na popis anomálneho efektu v Gd.cs
dc.format6 s.cs
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Societyen
dc.rights© American Physical Societyen
dc.subjectPrvě princípy, teória funktionálov hustoty, anomlálny Hallov efekt,LDA+Ucs
dc.titleVplyv konečnej teploty na vodivostné vlastnosti Gd s prvých princípovcs
dc.titleImpact of finite temperatures on the transport properties of Gd from first principlesen
dc.description.abstract-translatedFinite-temperature effects have a pronounced impact on the transport properties of solids. In magnetic systems, besides the scattering of conduction electrons by impurities and phonons, an additional scattering source coming from the magnetic degrees of freedom must be taken into account. A first-principle scheme which treats all these scattering effects on equal footing was recently suggested within the framework of the multiple scattering formalism. Employing the alloy analogy model treated by means of the CPA, thermal lattice vibrations and spin fluctuations are effectively taken into account. In the present work the temperature dependence of the longitudinal resistivity and the anomalous Hall effect in the strongly correlated metal Gd is considered. The comparison with experiments demonstrates that the proposed numerical scheme does provide an adequate description of the electronic transport at finite temperatures.en
dc.subject.translatedFirst priciples, density functional theory, finite temperature, ananmolaus Hall effect, LDA+Uen
dc.project.IDinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreetment/EC/Výpočetní a experimentální design pokročilých materiálů s novými funkcionalitami /CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000358cs
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