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Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, byl tříletý (1. 12. 2009–30. 11. 2012) projekt financovaný ze 7. RP, jehož cílem byla kromě jiného podpora rozhodnutí Evropské komise o otevřeném přístupu k publikovaným výsledkům projektů financovaných Evropskou komisí mezi vědeckou komunitou v Evropě. Šlo o projekt, do něhož byly zapojeny všechny členské země EU a Norsko.
Basić, Nino
Estélyi, István
Škrekovski, Riste
Tratnik, Niko
On the Clar Number of Benzenoid Graphs A Clar set of a benzenoid graph B is a maximum set of independent alternating hexagons over all perfect matchings of B. The Clar number of B, denoted by Cl(B), is the number of hexagons in a Clar set for B. In this paper, we first prove some results on... |
Sláma, Václav
Rudas, Bartoloměj
Ira, Jiří
Macálka, Aleš
Eret, Petr
Tsymbalyuk, Volodymyr
CFD prediction of flutter of turbine blades and comparison with an experimental test case Last stage blades are a key element of steam turbines and in many ways determine the turbine configuration alongside with the overall turbine performance. The total efficiency of the low pressure turbine section can be increased by extending the last stage blades. The design p... |
Drábek, Pavel
Takáč, Peter
Convergence to travelling waves in Fisher’s population genetics model with a non-Lipschitzian reaction term We consider the Fisher equation for advance of advatageous gene with non-Lipschitzian reaction term. We prove new travelling wave profiles and the convergence of the Cauchy problem to one of those profiles. |
Bruncko, Jaroslav
Šutta, Pavol
Netrvalová, Marie
Michalka, Miroslav
Vincze, Andrej
Pulsed laser deposition of Ga doped ZnO films - Influence of deposition temperature and laser pulse frequency on structural, optical and electrical properties The contribution deals with Ga doped ZnO films (deposited from a sintered target composed of 99.0 ZnO and 1.0wt % of Ga2O3) prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Experimentally were compared the deposition parameters influence on structural, optical and electrical properties. The v... |
Král, Pavel
Halla, Karel
Široký, Radek
Lenc, Ladislav
Martínek, Jiří
Představení projektu "Moderní zpřístupnění historických pramenů" The main goal of this project is to make accessible archival resources from the Czech-Bavarian border region using state-of-the-art information technologies. It will be possible to search information based on geolocation. We also focus on a clear presentation and an effective search of&... |
Azam, Sikander A.
Irfan, Muhammad
Khan, Saleem Ayaz
Ali,, Zaheer
Kityk, Iwan V.
Muhammad, Shabbir
Al-Sehemi, Abdullah Ghodran M.
Doping induced effect on optical and band structure properties of Sr2Si5N8 based phosphors: DFT approach Nitrido silicates are emerged as highly efficient luminescent materials (phosphors) that found considerable industrial application as white light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been studied with respect to band structure and related electronic structure parameters. They have tunable optical properties, as&... |
Ahmad, Iftikhar
Khan, Shujaat Ali
Idrees, Muhammad
Haneef, Muhammad
Shahid, Ismail
Din, Haleem Ud
Khan, Saleem Ayaz
Amin, Bin
Influence of strain on specific features of MoX2 (X = S, Se, Te) monolayers We employ the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FLAPW) method as implemented in the WIEN2k code for calculating structural, electronic, vibrational and photocatalytic properties of strained MoS2, MoSe2 and MoTe2 monolayers. Compressive strain of 1.5% for MoS2, 1% for MoSe2, and ... |
Irfan, Muhammad
Azam, Sikander A.
Hussain, Safdar S.
Khan, Saleem Ayaz
Zaheer, Ali
Kityk, Iwan V.
Muhammad, Shabbir
Al-Sehemi, Abdullah Ghodran M.
Specific features of structural, electronic, optical and elastic properties of the cubic calcium pyroniobate Ca2Nb2O7 crystals Using first principles density functional theory (DFT) calculation, the structural, electronic, optical and elastic properties of cubic Ca2Nb2O7 pyrochlore oxide is studied by highly accurate full potential augmented plane wave method with GGA+U approximation. The calculated lattice parameter is in... |
Khan, Saleem Ayaz
Azam, Sikander A.
Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of PbS1- xTex (x=0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0) alloys: Ab initio study We present electronic structure and thermoelectric behavior for the PbS1-xTex (x= 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0) using all electron full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FPLAPW) method. The correct value of the band gap is achieved with fully relativistic calculation by employing s... |
Keqi, Armela
Gehlmann, Mathias
Conti, Giuseppina
Nemšák, Slavomír
Rattanachata, Arunothai
Minár, Jan
Pluciński, Łukasz
Rault, Julien E.
Rueff, Jean Pascal
Scarpulla, Michael A.
Hategan, M.
Pálsson, Gunnar Karl
Conlon, Catherine S.
Eiteneer, D.
Saw, Alexander Y.
Gray, Alexander X.
Kobayashi, Keisuke
Ueda, Shigenori
Dubón, Oscar D.
Schneider, Claus Michael
Fadley, Charles S.
Electronic structure of the dilute magnetic semiconductor G a 1- x M n x P from hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and angle-resolved photoemission We have investigated the electronic structure of the dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) Ga0.98Mn0.02P and compared it to that of an undoped GaP reference sample, using hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HXPS) and hard x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (HARPES) at energies of ab... |
Krempaský, j.
Springholz, Gunther
Minár, Jan
Dil, Jan Hugo
alpha-GeTe and (GeMn)Te Semiconductors: a New Paradigm for Spintronics GeTe is the simplest known binary ferroelectric semiconductor with a narrow band gap. Below 700 K it assumes a non-centrosymmetric rhombohedral structure in which an electric dipole is formed due to a relative Ge/Te sublattice displacement along the [111] direction. Ferroelectric polari... |
Benea, Diana
Minár, Jan
Ebert, Hubert
Chioncel, Liviu
Magnetic Compton profiles of disordered Fe 0.5 Ni 0.5 and ordered FeNi alloys WestudythemagneticComptonprofile(MCP)ofthedisorderedFe0.5Ni0.5 andoftheorderedFeNialloysand discusstheinterplaybetweenstructuraldisorderandelectroniccorrelations.Thecoherentpotentialapproximation is employed to model the substitutional disorder within the single-site approximation, while local electronic correlations are captured with the dynamical mean field theory. ... |
Ketterl, A. S.
Otto, Sebastian
Bastian, M.
Andres, Beatrice
Gahl, Cornelius
Minár, Jan
Ebert, Hubert
Braun, Jürgen
Tereshchenko, Oleg Evgenievich
Kokh, Konstantin A.
Fauster, Thomas
Weinelt, Martin
Origin of spin-polarized photocurrents in the topological surface states of Bi2 Se3 For the generation of spin-polarized photocurrents in topological insulators, a coupling between photon angular momentum and electron spin is often assumed. Such a coupling seems to be supported by dichroism reported in E(ky)-intensity maps in photoemission. We show in three dimensional two-... |
Braun, Jürgen
Minár, Jan
Ebert, Hubert
Correlation, temperature and disorder: Recent developments in the one-step description of angle-resolved photoemission Various apparative developments extended the potential of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy tremendously during the last two decades. The following article reviews the corresponding recent theoretical developments in the field of angle-resolved photoemission with a special emphasis on correlation effects,... |
Nemšák, Slavomír
Gehlmann, Mathias
Kuo, Cheng Tai
Lin, Shih Chieh
Schlueter, Christoph
Młyńczak, Ewa
Lee, Tienlin
Pluciński, Łukasz
Ebert, Hubert
Di Marco, Igor
Minár, Jan
Schneider, Claus Michael
Fadley, Charles S.
Element-and momentum-resolved electronic structure of the dilute magnetic semiconductor manganese doped gallium arsenide The dilute magnetic semiconductors have promise in spin-based electronics applications due to their potential for ferromagnetic order at room temperature, and various unique switching and spin-dependent conductivity properties. However, the precise mechanism by which the transition-metal doping produces fe... |
Battiato, Marco
Minár, Jan
Wang, Weimin
Ndiaye, W.
Richter, M. C.
Heckmann, Olivier
Mariot, Jean Michel
Parmigiani, Fulvio
Hricovíni, Karol
Cacho, Cephise M.
Distinctive picosecond spin polarization dynamics in bulk half metals Femtosecond laser excitations in half-metal (HM) compounds are theoretically predicted to induce an exotic picosecond spin dynamics. Femtosecond spin dynamics experiments performed on Fe 3 O 4 by time- and spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy support our model. Furthermore, the spin polarization... |
Xu, Junqing
Zhang, Peng
Haule, Kristjan
Minár, Jan
Wimmer, Sebastian
Ebert, Hubert
Cohen, Ronald E.
Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity of Solid Iron at Earth’s Core Conditions from First Principles We compute the thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity of solid hcp Fe to pressures and temperatures of Earth’s core. We obtain thermal and electrical conductivities that are consistent with experiments considering reasonable error. The predicted thermal conductivity is reduced from previ... |
Dakhel, A. A.
Bououdina, Mohamed
Jaafar, Adnan
Khan, Wilayat
Azam, Sikander A.
Minár, Jan
Kanoun, Mohammed Benali
Goumri-Said, Souraya
Effect of (Cd, Al) Co-doping and hydrogenation on the long-range ferromagnetic ordering of ZnO: Experimental and DFT studies The nanopowders of ZnO coded Al and Cd were synthesized by thermal decomposition and were characterized by XRD. The measured optical properties point to a band gap of 3.23-3.12eV. By the hydrogenation of ZnO, we were able to stabilize the magnifying phase as confirmed by ... |
Krempaský, j.
Muff, Stefan
Minár, Jan
Pilet, Nicolas
Fanciulli, Mauro
Weber, Andrew P.
Guedes, Eduardo B.
Caputo, Marco
Müller, Elisabeth
Volobuev, Valentine V.
Gmitra, Martin
Vaz, Carlosaf A.F.
Scagnoli, Valerio
Springholz, Gunther
Dil, Jan Hugo
Operando Imaging of All-Electric Spin Texture Manipulation in Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Rashba Semiconductors The control of the electron spin by external means is a key issue for spintronic devices. Using spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SARPES) with three-dimensional spin detection, we demonstrate operando electrostatic spin manipulation in ferroelectric α-GeTe and multiferroic Ge1−xMnxTe.... |
Nicolai, Laurent Christophe
Minár, Jan
XPS limit in soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy of Ag(001) PhotoEmission Spectroscopy (PES) is a surface sensitive technique within the Ultra-Violet regime. A way to make it more bulk sensitive consists in increasing the photon energy for entering the X-ray regime. As a counterpart, this increase breaks the k-conserving dipole selection rule an... |