Název: Spinovo rozlisena time-of-flight k-reozlisena fotoemissia Ir-- Kompletny fotoemissny experiment.
Spin-filtered time-of-flight k-space microscopy of Ir--Towards the “complete” photoemission experiment
Autoři: Schönhense, Gerd
Medjanik, Katerina
Chernov, Sergey V.
Kutnyakhov, Dmytro
Fedchenko, Olena V.
Ellguth, Martin
Vasilyev, D.
Zaporozhchenko-Zymaková, A.
Panzer, Daniel
Oelsner, Andreas
Tusche, Christian
Schönhense, B.
Braun, Jürgen
Minár, Jan
Ebert, Hubert
Viefhaus, Jens
Wurth, Wilfried
Elmers, Hans Joachim
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: SCHÖNHENSE, G., MEDJANIK, K., CHERNOV, S. V., KUTNYAKHOV, D., FEDCHENKO, O. V., ELLGUTH, M., VASILYEV, D., ZAPOROZHCHENKO-ZYMAKOVÁ, A., PANZER, D., OELSNER, A., TUSCHE, C., SCHÖNHENSE, B., BRAUN, J., MINÁR, J., EBERT, H., VIEFHAUS, J., WURTH, W., ELMERS, H. J. Spin-filtered time-of-flight k-space microscopy of Ir--Towards the “complete” photoemission experiment. Ultramicroscopy, 2017, roč. 183, č. DEC 2017, s. 19-29. ISSN 0304-3991.
Datum vydání: 2017
Nakladatel: Elsevier
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85022012160
ISSN: 0304-3991
Klíčová slova: ARPES, spinovo rozlisena fotoemissia, jednokrokovy model
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: ARPES, spin resolved PES, one-step model
Abstrakt: Predstavujeme novy fotoemissismy miktoskop zalozeny na time-of-flight detektore. ARPES je tymto mozne namerat ako kompletny 4D experiment. Za pomoci cirkularne polarizovaneho svetla sme studovali povrh Ir a jeho spinovu polarizaciu.
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: The combination of momentum microscopy (high resolution imaging of the Fourier plane) with an imaging spin filter has recently set a benchmark in k-resolution and spin-detection efficiency. Here we show that the degree of parallelization can be further increased by time-of-flight energy recording. On the quest towards maximum information (in earlier work termed “complete” photoemission experiment) we have studied the prototypical high-Z fcc metal iridium. Large partial bandgaps and strong spin-orbit interaction lead to a sequence of spin-polarized surface resonances. Soft X-rays give access to the 4D spectral density function ρ (EB,kx,ky,kz ) weighted by the photoemission cross section. The Fermi surface and all other energy isosurfaces, Fermi velocity distribution vF (kF), electron or hole conductivity, effective mass and inner potential can be obtained from the multi-dimensional array ρ by simple algorithms. Polarized light reveals the linear and circular dichroism texture in a simple manner and an imaging spin filter exposes the spin texture. One-step photoemission calculations are in fair agreement with experiment. Comparison of the Bloch spectral function with photoemission calculations uncovers that the observed high spin polarization of photoelectrons from bulk bands originates from the photoemission step and is not present in the initial state.
Práva: Plný text není přístupný.
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