Konferenční příspěvky / Conference Papers (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Brož, Pavel
Cardiac output estimation for marathon runners and its mathematical model Cardiac output (CO) and stroke volume (SV) are important hemodynamic parameters for evaluation of cardiovascular performance of the subject. Especially noninvasive estimation of CO during sub maximal and maximal work is valuable. In this paper, one method suitable for athlete CO estimation... |
Štork, Milan
Experiments with coupled phase locked loops In this paper the experiments with two or more mutually coupled phase locked loops (PLL) are described. The different types of coupled PLLs are simulated and results are confirmed by measuring in real systems. The experiments include analog and digital PLLs and simulation. In ... |
Taylor, Stephen
Brychcín, Tomáš
The representation of some phrases in Arabic word semantic vector spaces Design of electrical machines with low carbon footprint is an actual topic in the industry. Total cost of ownership is the standardized methodology to consider the lifetime costs of a power transformer already in the pre-concept design stage. There still does not exist a widel... |
Kroupa, Tomáš
Zemčík, Hana
Zemčík, Robert
Micromechanical analysis of fiber spatial distribution influence in unidirectional composite cross-section on overall response in terms of tensile curves Accurate temperature control is an important part of an induction brazing process, because of a small difference between melting points of aluminum and soldering material. However, direct measurement of the local temperature at the spot of brazing is not possible in a production li... |
Zich, Jan
Tester modulu pro zpracování signálu z Čerenkovova detektoru v projektu AFP The Cherenkov light produced by the detector is widely used in particle physics in order to detect primary and even secondary charged particles. The photomultiplier that follows the detector converts the Cherenkov light to the electrical signals. Depending on the experiment the photomul... |
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Zeman, Vaclav
Models of physiological parameters for runners and cyclists The study of physiological parameters dynamic is currently the main area of research in exercise physiology. The most common physiological data to collect include heart rate, oxygen saturation, core body and skin temperature, blood pressure, ECG, oxygen consumption and others. The data ... |
Zuzjak, Ladislav
Tureček, Oldřich
Advanced method for measurement of parameters of multi-channel sound systems Multi-channel sound systems are very often used in many areas. One of the significant areas is playback of music in the entertainment industry. A specific area is high-quality car sound system. At present, the sound systems in the automotive are realized using multi-channel loudspe... |
Škopek, T.
Šilhavá, K.
Novák, J.
Racek, J.
Brož, P.
Rajdl, D.
Štork, M.
Odezva hráček házené na tréninkové a zápasové zatížení |
Veřtát, Ivo
Linhart, Richard
Pokorný, Michal
Masopust, Jiří
Fiala, Pavel
Mráz, Jan
Small satellite ground station in Pilsen – experiences with VZLUSAT-1 commanding and future modifications toward open reference ground station solution Conventional solution of the ground station for CubeSat commanding during low Earth orbit mission is based on radio amateur equipment and could be implemented quickly and with low cost. Such case is also our ground station in Pilsen, currently used for VZLUSAT-1 daily commanding.... |
Žahour, Jiří
Křivka, Jindřich
Emisní testy nezávislého systému pro redukci NOx The paper describes the method of emissions measuring changes. The new WLTP method is shortly introduced, included WLTC and RDE. Next, the real driving tests results of the independent SCR system are discussed. |
Valenta, Pavel
Piezoelektrický transformátor jako zdroj napětí pro Geiger-Müllerův detektor Radiation detectors such as Geiger-Müller tubes need a high-voltage power supply for operation. The supply voltage can be in the range from 100 V to 1000 V. Piezoelectric transformers are able to generate desired voltage. In this article the possibilities of utilizing Rosen type... |
Lufinka, Ondřej
Princip autonomních robotických platforem (ARP) používaných pro testování ADAS systémů In this paper, flat and overrunable autonomous robotic platforms (ARP) used for the testing of ADAS systems in automotive are described. In the beginning there is an explanation of ARP and ADAS systems. Then the design possibilities to improve such ARP are introduced (e.g. omn... |
Křivka, Jindřich
Žahour, Jiří
Kosturik, Kamil
Elektronické vybavení umožňující řízení aktivní regenerace ERDPF filtru The paper describes one key function of the ERDPF electronic control system. The main function of electronic system is the switching of regeneration current loops. For this reason, the electronic system has to be equipped by a reliable and quick control MOSFET driver. This dri... |
Dudáček, Luděk
PilsenCUBE-Strato – Stratosferic Test of the Sensors for PilsenCUBE-II Satellite Small satellites are nowadays at least often equipped by large number of sensors for attitude determination. Due to small budget, which is quite often in small satellite project, it is necessary to use cheap sensors, that are not designed for space applications. There is no... |
Hammerbauer, Jiří
Úvodní strany |
Křivka, Jindřich
Žahour, Jiří
Metody návrhu kompaktního ERDPF filtru s důrazem na provozní podmínky elektronického systému This paper describes the new approach for ERDPF design. For a final customer product is necessary to design a filter which will be consist only from a one compact block without a tangle of wires. The filter body has to contain all mechanical and electronic parts. Thi... |
Žahour, Jiří
Křivka, Jindřich
Kosturik, Kamil
Lightweight bootloader pro mikrokontroléry NXP s jádrem S08 This paper describes a simple bootloader for the NXP microcontrollers. The first part deals with basic principles, memory layout and system interrupts. In the second part the implementation of the bootloader via CAN bus is described. Implementation also includes a transport protocol opt... |
Dudáček, Luděk
Model vytížení přijímače ADS-B na nízkých oběžných drahách Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) is system used for plane localization and tracking in order to air traffic management (ATM). Aircraft equipped by the ADS-B periodically transmits flight related information in the form of Mode-S 1090ES data signal. ADS-B mess... |
Lufinka, Ondřej
Ultrazvukový vysílač a přijímač s možností datové komunikace a měření vzdálenosti více bodů This paper deals with the problem of the short distance measurement between two (or more) moving points with the ability of a simple data communication. Different possibilities were explored and using the ultrasonic transceiver was then chosen for a future development. The article ... |
Paločko, Lukáš
Spektrum sigma-delta modulace The objective of this paper was describe spectrum of the sigma delta modulation and their normalization to the Power Spectral Density (PSD) . |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications