Katedra pedagogiky / Department of Pedagogy
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Poslední příspěvky
Loudová Stralcynská, Barbora
Koželuhová, Eva
Innovative Practice in Initial Professional Studies for Czech Pre-School Teachers Over the last three decades, there has been an increase in university level education for pre-school teachers in the Czech Republic. The aim of the paper is to present part of the results of a research study comparing the Bachelor’s degree programmes in pre-school pedagogy... |
Slowík, Josef
Gažáková, Eva
Holeček, Václav
Zachová, Markéta
Comprehensive support for pupils at risk of school failure in inclusive education: theory and school practice in the Czech Republic The paper presents possibilities of comprehensive use of support tools for pupils at risk of school failure in the Czech primary schools practice in order to support the implementation of inclusive education. The research data obtained during the project implemented in the Pilsen r... |
Koželuhová, Eva
Vargová, Mária
Rozvoj digitálnej gramotmosti detí prostedníctvom hry |
Pyšná, Jana
Pyšný, Ladislav
Cihlář, David
Petrů, Dominika
Hajerová Müllerová, Lenka
Čtvrtečka, Luděk
Čechová, Anna
Suchý, Jiří
Physical Activity and BMI before and after the Situation Caused by COVID-19 in Upper Primary School Pupils in the Czech Republic Regular physical activity is a very important factor in the healthy development of an individual and an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, today's population still suffers from an insufficient amount of exercise caused mainly by technological progress and often inappropriate... |
Medzihorský, Štefan
Svoboda, Michal
Vnímání a prožívání období pandemie koronaviru a sociální práce This study is devoted to changes in the development of feelings and attitudes during the coronavirus pandemic in the Czech Republic. It also reflects the absence of social care, which unlike, for example, health care, was not verbalized even by the research respondents. It com... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education