Katedra konstruování strojů / Department of Machine Design
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Štěpánek, Martin
Výzkum navrhování komponent vozidel s využitím nových materiálů a technologií The research is focused on the additive manufacturing of metal components stressed by cyclic loading, the failure of which can be caused by so-called multiaxial fatigue. The result of the conducted research is a suitable combination of topological optimization possibiliti... |
Švagr, Marcel
Výzkum kmitání na soustružnickém centru The thesis deals with determination of eigenfrequencies, eigenshapes, maximum oscillation amplitude at the cutting tool location, negative real-oriented compliance and their evaluation. The goal is to compile a methodology leading to a determination of the dynamic properties of the machine in... |
Kašpar, Jaromír
Výzkum navrhování komponent strojů s využitím nových materiálů a technologií The thesis is focused on a fatigue of stamped parts. The goal is to propose techniques and methods which allows to consider forming process and its impact on life-time. Especially, initial design phase is inspected when details of production process are unknown. Inverse approach... |
Heller, Petr
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Jednonápravový otočný podvozek pro regionální vozidlo The post provides an overview of two-axle vehicles with single-axe bogie. It shows in more detail the examples of single-axle bogies on these vehicles. Next, it shows its own solution of the single-axle rotating bogie, with the axis of rotation off the axis of the wheelse... |
Heller, Petr
Jednonápravové podvozky železničních kolejových vozidlech The post provides an overview of two-axle vehicles with single-axe bogie. It shows in more detail the examples of single-axle bogies on these vehicles. Next, it shows its own solution of the single-axle rotating bogie, with the axis of rotation off the axis of the wheelse... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering