Články / Articles (KKE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Brůha, Tomáš
Procházka, Pavel
Uruba, Václav
Investigation of Low-Frequency Phenomena within Flow Pattern in Standard Mixing Vessel Induced by Pitched Blade Impeller An experimental study on the flow pattern dynamics in a standard mixing vessel with radial baffles filled with water and induced by a pitched blade impeller pumping downward is presented. Investigation is mainly focused on detection and analysis of quasi-periodical or periodical low-fre... |
Michálek, Petr
Procházka, Pavel
Uruba, Václav
Stanislav, Pospíšil
Influence of surface roughness on the wake structure of a circular cylinder at Reynolds number 5× 103 to 12× 103 The flow around roughened circular cylinders and the wake behind them were studied in a wind tunnel flow using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method. The Reynolds number ranged from 5140 to 11800, and the real diameter of the cylinders including surface roughness ranged ... |
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
Sedlář, Milan
Komárek, Martin
Duda, Daniel
Experimental and Numerical Study on Vortical Structures and Their Dynamics in a Pump Sump Research on water flow in a pump inlet sump is presented. The main effort has been devoted to the study of the vortical structures’ appearance and their behavior. The study was conducted in a dedicated model of the pump sump consisting of a rectangular tank 1272 ×... |
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
Skála, Vladislav
Dynamics of flow in a branching channel Flow in a branched channel is studied experimentally using the PIV technique. The presented study is concentrated on clarifying the dynamical behaviour in individual branches. The 11 branches issuing from the main channel perpendicularl... |
Vaníček, Ondřej
Chaluš, Michal
Liška, Jindřich
Glusa, Tomáš
Vlasák, Jakub
Vašíčková, Eva
Brom, Karel
Low-pressure turbine blade leading edge protection using robotic laser cladding technology Low pressure turbine blades are the most erosion-exposed moving parts of the steam turbine. This article brings a detailed overview of an innovative system applying a stellite coating to the leading edge of the steam turbine blades using the robotic laser cladding technology. The... |
Kalová, Jana
Mareš, Radim
Surface Tension in the Supercooled Water Region Water exhibits numerous anomalies. To explain the anomalies, various scenarios have been suggested. In accordance with the scenarios, progressive increase of surface tension with decreasing temperature is expected. But obvious experimental evidence of the second inflection point (SIP) anomaly was ... |
Kalová, Jana
Mareš, Radim
Temperature Dependence of the Surface Tension of Water, Including the Supercooled Region For the temperature dependence of the surface tension of water, the equation formulated as early as 1976 by The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) is the most commonly used. There are reasons for a major revision of the equation. In th... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Structural deformation of a running wind tunnel measured by optical scanning Nowadays, the development of wind tunnels for the study of various aerodynamic phenomena is actively developing. It is possible to generate a highly laminar flow only under the condition of structural stability of the construction parts of the wind tunnel under the action of s... |
Klimko, Marek
Lenhard, Richard
Žitek, Pavel
Kaduchová, Katarína
Experimental Evaluation of Axial Reaction Turbine Stage Bucket Losses The article describes the measurement methods and data evaluation from a single-stage axial turbine with high reaction (50%). Four operating modes of the turbine were selected, in which the wake traversing behind nozzle and bucket with five-hole pneumatic probes took place. The article&... |
Duda, Daniel
Uruba, Václav
Yanovych, Vitalii
Wake width: Discussion of several methods how to estimate it by using measured experimental data Several methods of defining and estimating the width of a turbulent wake are presented and tested on the experimental data obtained in the wake past an asymmetric prismatic airfoil NACA 64(3)‐618, which is often used as tip profile of the wind turbines. Instantaneous velocities... |
Švančara, Patrik
Duda, Daniel
Hrubcová, Petra
Rotter, Miloš
Skrbek, Ladislav
La Mantia, Marco
Durzoy, E
Diribarne, Pantxo
Rousset, Bernard
Bourgoin, Mickaél
Gibert, Mathieu
Ubiquity of particle-vortex interactions in turbulent counterflow of superfluid helium Thermal counterflow of superfluid He is investigated experimentally, by employing the particle tracking velocimetry technique. A flat heater, located at the bottom of a vertical channel of square cross-section, is used to generate this unique type of thermally driven flow. Micronic solid... |
Sláma, Václav
Mrózek, Lukáš
Tajč, Ladislav
Klimko, Marek
Žitek, Pavel
Flow analysis in a steam turbine control valve with through-flow valve chamber A nuclear power plant also includes a secondary cycle, which main component is a steam turbine. The steam turbine processes the thermal and pressure energy of steam and converts it into mechanical energy. Reliable and safe operation of the steam turbine, thus of the entire... |
Zdebor, Jan
Historie a současnost jaderného vzdělávání na Západočeské univerzitě v Plzni The article briefly describes the history and present of nuclear education at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The origins of nuclear education at the former University of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering are associated with the acquisition of nuclear technology in Škoda.&... |
Pavlenko, Ivan
Liaposhchenko, Oleksandr
Ochowiak, Marek
Olszewski, Radoslaw
Demianenko, Maryna
Starynskyi, Oleksandr
Ivanov, Vitalii
Yanovych, Vitalii
Włodarczak, Sylwia
Doligalski, Michal
Three-dimensional mathematical model of the liquid film downflow on a vertical surface Film downflow from captured liquid without wave formation and its destruction is one of the most important aspects in the development of separation equipment. Consequently, it is necessary to create well-organized liquid draining in areas of captured liquid. Thus, the proposed 3D mathem... |
Duda, Daniel
Nerling, Frank
PANDA, Collaboration
Precision resonance energy scans with the PANDA experiment at FAIR: Sensitivity study for width and line shape measurements of the X(3872) This paper summarises a comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation study for precision resonance energy scan measurements. Apart from the proof of principle for natural width and line shape measurements of very narrow resonances with PANDA, the achievable sensitivities are quantified for the concr... |
Duda, Daniel
Yanovych, Vitalii
Uruba, Václav
An experimental study of turbulent mixing in channel flow past a grid Grid turbulence is considered to be a canonical case of turbulent flow. In the presented paper, the flow structure is analyzed from the point of view of mixing properties, where vortical structures and their properties play a significant role. That is why the effect of va... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Uruba, Václav
Structure turbulent flow behind a square cylinder with an angle of incidence This article shows the results of a study of the structure of turbulent flow behind a square profile ALUTEC 45×45mm with T-slots. The angle of rotation of the profile relative to its axis varied α=0°, 15°, 30° and 45°. During the experiment, the flow velocity was 5m⋅... |
Demianenko, Maryna
Volf, Michal
Pavenko, V.
Liaposhchenko, Oleksandr
Pavlenko, Ivan
The Solution of the Stationary Aeroelasticity Problem for a Separation Channel with Deformable Sinusoidal Walls One of the most urgent problems concerning the design of inertial separation devices is the failure of the trapped liquid film from the contact surfaces due to the contact with the turbulent gas-liquid flow. For extension of the range of the effective inertial separation, a... |
Žitek, Pavel
Klimko, Marek
Experimentální vzduchová turbína VT-400. The nuclear power plant also includes a secondary cycle. One of the main components of the cycle is a steam turbine. The flow through the flow path is very complicated and significantly affects the turbine efficiency. An single-stage axial experimental air turbine is located i... |
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
Skála, Vladislav
On the streamwise structures in the boundary layer under adverse pressure gradient on an inclined plate The presented study is focused on experimental investigation of a boundary layer on a flat plate in adverse pressure gradient. The flat plate is placed in a regular flow, the pressure gradient is generated by the plate inclination. The preceding studies deal with structure of&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra energetických strojů a zařízení / Department of Power System Engineering