Číslo 2 (2014) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pauličková, Alena
Funta, Rastislav; Nebeský, Štefan; Juriš, Filip. Právo Európskej unie. Brno: Tribun EU, 2014. |
Pacáková, Viera
Šoltés, Erik
Linda, Bohdan
Multidimensional credibility model and its application Solvency II project places emphasis on the modelling and management of risks of the insurance companies. This requires further improvement in actuarial methods and their application in insurance practice. Improving the quality of premium calculation methods is an effective factor in... |
Holá, Jana
Pikhart, Marcel
The implementation of internal communication system as a way to company efficiency The paper focuses on the management of internal communication inasmuch it can influence company efficiency and competitiveness in the current global business market. The implementation of internal communication strategies can be a way to enhance company efficiency and it can als... |
Knápková, Adriana
Homolka, Lubor
Pavelková, Drahomíra
Využití balanced scorecard a vliv jeho využívání na finanční výkonnost podniků v ČR The article aims to analyze the use of the balanced scorecard (BSC) concept in Czech enterprises and the effect of its use on the financial performance of companies. The article defines the BSC concept and its important shift from the basic system for measuring the... |
Kubíčková, Lea
Procházková, Lenka
Success evaluation of small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of their participation in the internationalization process In context of discussions about the Czech foreign trade development, questions of the Czech enterprises’ ability to participate in the internationalization process are often considered. The main aim of this article is to present various points of view on the globalization and... |
Vaceková, Gabriela
Svidroňová, Mária
Benefits and risks of self-financing of NGOS: empirical evidence from the Czech republic, Slovakia and Austria Self-financing of non-government organizations is a highly discussed topic in the theory and practice of non-government organizations (NGOs). In the presented paper we respond to the current theoretical and practical questions associated with self-financing in the context of an effor... |
Zheng, Xiaosong
Larimo, Jorma
Identifying key success factors for international joint ventures in China: a foreign parent perspective from finnish firms International Joint Venture (IJV) has been one of the main foreign market entry approaches in the last decade and this is particularly true for entry to the huge Chinese market. Although IJVs have been a very commonly used entry form many studies have indicated... |
Ayranci, Evren
A study on the influence of family on family businesses and its relationship to satisfaction with financial performance This article investigated, within family businesses, the theoretical and practical relationships between the influence of family on the family business and the satisfaction of the top manager family member with the financial performance of his or her business. How a family can... |
Sivilevičius, Henrikas
Maskeliūnaitė, Lijana
The numerical example for evaluating the criteria describing the quality of the trip by international train The paper aims to determine the quality of the trip by train, which depends on the number of factors described by four groups of criteria. Each group includes individual criteria. The weight of the criteria of each group describing the quality of the trip by t... |
Potužáková, Zuzana
Demel, Jaroslav
Podniky se zahraničí účastí v Libereckém kraji: výsledky dotazníkového šetření Foreign direct investment (FDI) influenced deeply the economic development of the transition economies after 1989. The Czech Republic is one of the leading recipients of the FDI in the CEE. The impact of the FDI is visible not only on national level but also on... |
Giannias, Dimitrios
Sfakianaki, Eleni
Classifications of environmental quality effects: the case of canadian cities Amenities are goods and services that make certain locations attractive for living and working. Quality of life on the other hand can be perceived as an expression of well-being and its importance is demonstrated by a number of publications that have been developed and&... |
Doležalová, Lucie
Hadlač, Michal
Kadlecová, Milada
Martinát, Stanislav
Polednik, Milan
Redevelopment potential of brownfields: a-b-c classification and its practical application Brownfields significantly influence the contemporary character of the majority of cities, towns and villages not only in the Czech Republic, but Europe wide. It is obvious that potential of individual brownfields to be redeveloped differs according to various factors. As a conseq... |
Martinčík, David
Šlehoferová, Marta
Competitiveness and convergence of czech regions: persistence of discrepancies The article provides an extensive analysis of the development of regional competitiveness in the Czech Republic over time. At first the attention is paid to the meaning of “regional competitiveness” and to the evaluation of proposed methods to quantify it. After that the... |
Šťastný, Dan
The economics of being stupid: a note on (ir)rationality in economics Economists’ habit of imputing rational motives to all human behavior gives rise to ‘rational riddles’: rational explanations for seemingly irrational behavior. In the article I argue that economists’ solutions to these riddles are, despite their sophistication, of limited scientific ... |
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