Zobrazit statistikyKolekce
Poslední příspěvky
Mičudová, Kateřina
Editorial |
Holúbek, Ivan
Tóth, Marián
Rábek, Tomáš
Čierna, Zuzana
Ekonomika výroby cukrovej repy v repnej oblasti za roky 2010-2013 Sugar beet is in our growing system considered a strategic crop. In recent years has a significant role as preceding crop in crop rotation and it is also an important industrial crops. Sugar beet grown in conditions of temperate zone is the only crop which is&... |
Edesiri Okoro, Godsday
Okoye, Emmanuel Ikechukwu
Taming creative accounting via international financial reporting standards: The Nigerian scenario Creative accounting has remained a contentious issue, raising series of arguments in the accounting literature. These arguments are premised on twofold: positive creative accounting (ethical) and negative creative accounting (unethical). Positive creative accounting is grounded on ‘fair’ accou... |
Fantová, Monika
Influencing youth entrepreneuship in the Czech Republic Entrepreneurship is one of the possible solutions to the pan-European problem of youth unemployment. The objective of the research was to identify differences between male and female entrepreneurs in their opinions of entrepreneurship of young people. We wanted to find out whethe... |
Kuncová, Martina
Využití simulačního modelování v programu SIMUL8 ke zlepšení podnikových procesů Simulation is a method used for studying complex systems that are not solvable with standard analytical techniques. Main advantage of the simulation modelling is the fact that all changes are made in virtual reality, in simulation software, without the necessity of the chang... |
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- 46 2016