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Chlopčík, Tomáš
Analýza trhu kotlů na tuhá paliva, jeho regulace a kotlíkové dotace The article is focused on the solid-fuel boilers as a significant part of the market for home and water heating systems. In case of Czech households, the solid-fuel boilers represent approximately 20%of the overall home and water heating system types – in other words, every... |
Vacek, Jiří
On the road: from industry 4.0 to society 4.0 The contribution builds on the desk research approach based mainly on studies performed by leading world ́s consultancies and agencies as the World Economic Forum, the World Bank and others, academic research performed e.g. at MIT and Harvard Busi... |
Kolingerová, Tereza
Holandský test cenové citlivosti: případová studie The paper is focused on research of price sensitivity with the use of Van Westendorp Price Sensivitity test. Researched product is coffee latte flavored with marshmallow cafe networks like CrossCafe and the target group are college students in Pilsen. The aim of ... |
Chvojan, Petr
Odhad nákladů vlastního kapitálu jako východiska pro stanovení hodnoty podniku |
Jašková, Ivana
The Relationship Between Organizational Justice and Innovative Behaviour The aim of this article is to review the literary sources dealing with the direct or indirect relationship between organizational justice and innovative behaviour. Innovative employee behaviour is a precondition for a ... |
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- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
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- 33 2017