Číslo 2 (2014) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vacek, Jiří
Úvodní slovo |
Janeček, Petr
Ohlédnutí za konferencí Trendy v podnikání 2014 |
Bodiš, Miloš
Procesy elektronického obchodu The development of the Internet has become a basic factor that ensures the companies using it for commercial purposes. Its widespread use has also caused a change in the character of trade. Companies have begun to invest in information technology and create electronic shops. I... |
Filanová, Jana
Optimalizácia procesov pomocou evolučných algoritmov The paper deals with process management, process modeling and optimization of process maps. Modeling process maps based on network graphs is presented in the paper. Applying stochastic evolutionary algorithm in process maps optimization is described. |
Kolouchová, Daniela
Rožek, Jan
Jak odstranit třecí plochy a zlepšit spolupráci mezi marketingovými a obchodním oddělením The marketing must collaborate with other departments in a company. Functional cooperation is fundamental between sales and marketing. This study focuses on effective ways how to create the effective relationship between representatives of these two departments. The authors begin with the pr... |
Mynaříková, Lenka
Vliv přesnosti detekce lži, stereotypů a faktorů emoční inteligence na posuzování druhých osob u studentů oboru ekonomika a management In the study we are interested in respondents´ ability to distinguish truth and lie through behavior and in possible relationship between respondents´ lie detection accuracy rates and the effect of stereotypes. Persons who are better in deception detection may experience a higher degree... |
Oško, Pavol
Manažérstvo bezpečnosti podniku a jeho postavenie v integrovanom manažerskom systéme Business process management represents an important activity in organisations, which perform their business activities on the basis of principles of business process management. The adoption of the process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of business systems is... |
Pešík, Jiří
Polívka, Martin
Kvantitativní přístup ve strategickém managementu : problém společenské odpovědnosti firmy Paper deals with the development, description and interpretation of the microeconomic model of the corporate social responsibility. In the introduction the point of using economic models for the analysis of business economy problems is explained and the basic foundations of the model ar... |
Pompurová, Kristína
Profil návštevníkov organizovaných podujatí v domácom cestovnom ruchu In effort to attract visitors to the destination it is necessary to examine the motives of participation in events organized outside of the habitual residence of individuals and to study the events visitor segments, classified according to various segmentation criteria. In this context,... |
Svoboda, Milan
Využití Markovových řetězců pro predikování pohybu cen akcií This paper deals with stochastic modelling of short-term share prices movement using the Markov chains theory. The aim of the study is to find such prediction models which would be usable for creating business strategies for active trading at stock exchange. The research was c... |
Výrostová, Eva
Riadenie nákladov v malých a stredných podnikoch priemyselnej výroby východného Slovenského The paper deals with traditional and modern approaches to cost management. The changes in business environment and the necessity to succeed in growing competition leads the companies to the use of modern management methods, including modern cost management approaches. This paper presents... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
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- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Publikace FEK / Publications of FEK
- Trendy v podnikání
- 2014
- 11 2014