Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2016 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Živný, Ondřej
Nízkonákladový model FPV kvarokoptéry The product is specialized to the topic drone. In my paper I created a fully-fletched model that can be used to take photos or to record videos. For developing the model I was using non-specialized materials available in normal stores because of low price compared to ... |
Zinyakov, Vasily
Method of projects as an effective development of creative abilities of pupils in the process of professional training This article reflects the use of method of project in the process of professional training of high school students in the interschool city training centre No. 2 in Vladimir (Russia). The proposed material reveals the stages of the work of students in project activities. |
Zhukova, I.
Teaching of making finger puppets the children with mental deficiency The topic of this article - esthetic education of children with intellectual insufficiency in elementary school by labor training .The main goal of the research is to describe some methods of work with children. The importance of the labor and esthetic development for a genera... |
Warchoł, Tomasz
Zastowanie technologii "ar-book" w rozwijaniu wyobraźni dzieci młodzieży Artykuł przedstawia aktualną potrzebę rozwijania wyobraźni dzieci i młodzieży poprzez zastosowanie technologii rozszerzonej rzeczywistości. W artykule przedstawiono także przykład konstruowania ćwiczeń w technologii „AR-book‖. |
Váňová, Veronika
Jednoduchý model výtahu The thesis descibes the production of a simple model of the lift. The model can serve as a teaching or as a simple mechanical toy. With its help i tis possible to explain the principle on which operate today elevators. |
Vaník, Michael
Hra na procvičení paměti Game for the memory practice is a simple but effective tool that allows to practice spatial imagination and the memory together. The advantage is the ability to build both simple and complex shapes, allowing its using in all age groups starting from preschoolers. |
Vaněk, Lukáš
Demonstrační model organu Práca sa zaoberá analýzou hudobného nástroja organ, jeho zvukotvornými časťami a ovládacími prvkami. Konkrétne opisuje ovládacie prvky a rieńi problematiku výberu vhodných materiálov. Súčasťou práce je demonńtračný model organu, ktorý znázorņuje kaņdú funkčnú časť organu. Prácu obohacuje aj vyrobená f... |
Ulyanova, Ksenia
The possibilities of the lesson of technology in formation of universal educational actions through The performance of final qualification work in formation of universal educational actions of the pupils in the course of training in the subject "Technology" is reflected in this article. The offered method of projects is considered as an opportunity and the manual for&#... |
Tuczyński, Krystian
Elektroniczny system zarządzania szkołą "e-dziennik" zrealizowany na podstawie badań pedagogicznych W artykule przedstawiona została realizacja autorskiego systemu informatycznego służącego do administrowania szkołą. Wytyczne w oparciu, o które powstał były efektem dogłębnej analizy przeprowadzonych w ramach pracy badań z zakresu efektywności wykorzystywania dzienników elektronicznych w szkołach. |
Trča, Matouš
Webová aplikace pro procvičování anglické slovní zásoby The web application helps students to practice English vocabulary. The algorithm of the application is based on Spaced Repetition technique, which incorporates increasing intervals of time between subsequent reviews of previously learned flashcards. The application allows users to register, to cr... |
Sudek, Matěj
Model torzní balisty The aim was to create a functional model of a torsion ballista modeled like ancient Roman siege machines. From this perspective, I was interested in the history of this mechanism. This ballista functions are not only designed for entertainment, but it also has high educational... |
Stepanova, S.
Teaching bead weaving for students with visual impairment (out of school hours) The theme of this article-teaching bead weaving for students, with visual impairment out of school hours. The main objective is to describe the technique of weaving, which is available for visually impaired children and is aimed at the development of fine motor skills, imagination&... |
Snanchurova, E.
Teaching the skill of making finger puppets the children with mental deficiency The topic of this article - training fabrication finger puppet children with intellectual disabilities.The main aim of the work consists in teaching children with intellectual disabilities crochet techniques. |
Schwarz, Filip
Vytvoření modelu jaderného reaktoru The article contains a draft model of a nuclear reactor that can be used for example as an educational tool for teaching practical or technical subjects. Model of the reactor is designed so that it can be produced in terms of school or home workshops. |
Sahulová, Michaela
Netradiční materiály v technické výchově v mateřské škole The bachelor thesis deals with untraditional materials and their use in technical education in kindergarten. Empirical research is to determine how kindergarten teachers perceive untraditional materials and what untraditional materials use in technical education. |
Prudivus, Natalia
Th quality evaluation criteria of methodical training manual The performance of the research work of the problem of the quality evaluation of methodical training manual is reflected in this article. |
Platonova, C.
The use of origami method on the lessons of manual labor in the school VIII kind Employments with paper and paperboard have a great correctional and developmental importance for children with intellectual impairment. Manufacture of paper folding products have an impact on the overall intellectual development of the child, contributes to the development of fine motor skills&#x... |
Papadiamantopoulou, Maria
Papadiamantopoulou, Charikleia
Armakolas, Stefanos
Gomatos, Leonidas
Pre-service and in-service teacher training: the use of technology in the greek educational system In the contemporary educational setting more and more educators both pre-service and in-service are trying to follow technological advances by integrating them to their educational style. Despite the continuous increase of technological resources that teachers can utilize during instruction along ... |
Panagiota, Sakellariou
Free and open source software in computer education: exploring the current situation in greek secondary schools Free and Open Source Software is recently gaining attention, especially due to its primary characteristics – it is free of charge and can be freely and easily obtained. While Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) assist education, schools are more than ever in need of&... |
Novák, Daniel
Stébila, Ján
Výuka učiva zaměřeného na techniku v základním a nižším středním vzdělávání Elementary and lower secondary education in a modern society has to contribute to acquire basic knowledge and skills in various fields of technology. Technical education also helps to create professional inclination of students. The presented study deals with development of technical educati... |
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