Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KKE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
On 3D flow pattern behind a wall-mounted circular cylinder of finite-length The wake behind a wall-mounted finite-length circular cylinder of the aspect ratio 2 stuck out of a wall was studied experimentally using stereo PIV technique. The cylinder was mounted normal to a ground plane and it was subjected to a cross-flow with thin boundary layer ... |
Narovec, Jan
Duda, Daniel
Horáček, Vít
Tomášková, Tetjana
Uruba, Václav
Yanovych, Vitalii
Vorticity statistics in the near wake of asymmetric prismatic airfoil NACA 64-618 at negative angle of attack –10° at Reynolds numbers 1.6 ⋅ 104 and 1.6 ⋅ 105 in distance 0.0 – 0.4 × chord past trailing edge measured by Particle Image Velocimetry The airfoil NACA 64-618 is realized by using two levels of quality: first the theoretical profile is printed on a 3D printer in a direct, “naive” way, this geometry has been scanned by using 3D scanner and based on the deviations, a better model has been processed.... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Uruba, Václav
Kosiak, Pavlo
Horáček, Vít
Turbulence topology behind different sections of the wind turbine blade This work aimed to investigate the turbulence characteristics behind different parts of the wind turbine blade. Airfoils S807, S813, S817, and S803, which characterize the shape of the blade at different lengths, were selected for estimation. During the experiment, the chord-based Reynolds... |
Duda, Daniel
Horáček, Vít
Klimko, Marek
Petr, Milčák
Uruba, Václav
Yanovych, Vitalii
Žitek, Pavel
Preliminary results of PIV measurement past a stator wheel inside the VT-400 test turbine The feasibility study of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements inside a test turbine at the University of West Bohemia. The current VT-400 turbine is not prepared for optical measurement with seeding particles, thus several technical issues had to be addressed until low-quality ... |
Duda, Daniel
Bém, Jindřich
Yanovych, Vitalii
Uruba, Václav
Grid turbulence studied by Particle Image Velocimetry We studied the grid-generated turbulence by using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique. We test on this already well studied flow the new ways of analyzing spatially resolved PIV data, such as the spatial spectra and structure functions. We compare some of the turbulence char... |
Duda, Daniel
Yanovych, Vitalii
Uruba, Václav
Yasar, Dokak
Wake flow past an ALUTEC profile Aluminum construction profiles become a standard construction material for short-term stands in science and in industry as well. It has the shape of square prism with an groove in each side to easy connecting the nut or bolt in any location. We studied the wake past ... |
Sedláček, Jan
Kůs, Michal
Strob, Miroslav
Matas, Richard
CFD analysis of an anemometric sensor design for air flow measurement in a heat exchanger This paper focuses on the issue of flow measurement in automotive heat exchangers. The measurement is complicated due to the limited space in the heat exchanger area and the non-uniform velocity profile. Therefore, only some measuring techniques can be used, which must be adapted... |
Matas, Richard
Syka, Tomáš
Hurda, Lukáš
Linhartová, Zuzana
Numerical modelling and experimental investigation of the influence of selected geometric elements on the working characteristics of radial compressor stages with prismatic blades The article deals with a description of basic results of research of radial compressor stages with 2D e.g. prismatic rotor blades. The experimental facility and the measurement and evaluation process are described briefly in the first part. The second part of this contribution is... |
Synáč, Jaroslav
Poslední nízkotlakové stupně parních turbín s transsonickým asupersonickým proudem páry The transonic or supersonic flow of working wet steam is detected in the last stages of steam turbines low pressure parts. In text below there are presented losses generated in a turbine airfoil channel by transonic or supersonic flow. Next is modernization of turbine... |
Demianenko, Maryna
Volf, Michal
Banias, Myron
Starynskyi, Oleksandr
Numerically modelling temperature deformations and stresses in the exhaust system of a gas compressor unit During the operation of a gas compressor unit, the temperature of the exhaust system can cause failure or burnout of the inner facing sheets of the unit. The article describes a technique for determining the maximum temperature deformations of these elements. The technique enables&... |
Jeřábek, Matěj
Volf, Michal
Richter, Lukáš
Air Drying in an Industrial Compressor In many industrial applications where compressed air is used it is necessary to increase the quality of the air by decreasing its humidity. This is done by either a condensation or adsorption dryer in the compressor circuit. In this article, the focus is on an industrial&... |
Sklabinskyi, Vsevolod
Liaposhchenko, Oleksandr
Piteľ, Ján
Pavlenko, Ivan
Skydanenko, Maksym
Ostroha, Ruslan
Yukhymenko, Mykola
Simeiko, Kostiantyn
Demianenko, Maryna
Volf, Michal
Starynskyi, Oleksandr
Yurchenko, Oleksandr
Mandryka, Oleksandr
Experimental Studies and Condition Monitoring of Auxiliary Processes in the Production of Al2O3 by Sol–Gel Technology Powders and granules of heavy metal oxides produced through condition monitoring are in high demand as intermediate products for obtaining fine-grained ceramics for a wide range of applications, i.e., nuclear fuel and fuel elements for nuclear power plants. Sol–gel technology to produce ... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Uruba, Václav
Procházka, Pavel
Antoš, Pavel
Effect of Cylinder Roughness on Strouhal Number The main goal of this paper is to establish a better understanding of the relationship between a Strouhal number and surface roughness. Hot-wire anemometry was used to evaluations the characteristics of turbulent flow behind circular cylinders with different relative roughness 0% (smooth... |
Duda, Daniel
Yanovych, Vitalii
Uruba, Václav
Simple Rheoscopic Flows Used in Teaching Fluid Mechanics Four simple demonstration experiments are presented. They are used as a support in the teaching of Fluid Mechanics I (a compulsory lecture at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen). All mentioned experiments use the rheoscopic fluid obtained as a water solution of mica powd... |
Duda, Daniel
Abrhám, Vladimír
Uruba, Václav
Yanovych, Vitalii
Turbulent jet stability increased by ribs inside the nozzle – Stereo PIV measurement one diameter past the nozzle We observe that decreasing the inner nozzle surface by adding longitudinal ribs increases the jet stability in terms of the amount of turbulent kinetic energy in the near shear layer. We try to explain our observation as a stabilization effect of secondary flow vortices emergi... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Uruba, Václav
Kosiak, Pavlo
The structure of turbulent flow behind the NACA 0012 airfoil at high angles of attack and low Reynolds number This paper shows the results of a study of the turbulent structure behind the NACA 0012 airfoil. During the experiment, the flow velocity was 20 m·s−1. That corresponds the Reynolds number 1.3·105. The point behind the trailing edge was chosen for experimental studies. Measurements... |
Richter, Lukáš
Rendlová, Zdeňka
Plánička, Stanislav
Seeger, Jan
Taschek, Marco
Volf, Michal
Pelikán, Martin
Linhart, Vít
Experimental and numerical analysis of an oil-flooded air screw expander This article describes the results of a project whose task is to research and develop a screw expander through the inversion of a screw compressor. The article summarizes aspects of the construction of an experimental device that works with an oil-flooded air screw expander. T... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Using ARAMIS system for measurement of structural stability of running wind tunnel Wind tunnels are popularly used to study various aerodynamic phenomena. Their design significantly influences the quality of the created airflow. During the flow generation, the construction parts of the wind tunnel to get deformed due to pressure variations. This phenomenon significantly co... |
Duda, Daniel
Yanovych, Vitalii
Uruba, Václav
Němec, Martin
Žitek, Pavel
Vortices inside a single-stage axial air turbine captured by Particle Image Velocimetry Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is an experimental method of fluid research resulting into a spatially resolved two-dimensional velocity field. We measured the velocity inside a single-stage axial test turbine at the Czech Aerospace Research Centre. We studied the axial × tangential plane... |
Duda, Daniel
Jelínek, Tomáš
Němec, Martin
Uruba, Václav
Yanovych, Vitalii
Žitek, Pavel
Observation of flow structure past a full-stage axial air turbine at the nominal and off-design states The air flow inside single-stage test turbine is studied experimentally by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Here we report the measurements results at axial-tangential plane just behind the rotor wheel at middle blade radius. We studied one nominal state and two off-design states. We... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra energetických strojů a zařízení / Department of Power System Engineering