Název: Experimental Studies and Condition Monitoring of Auxiliary Processes in the Production of Al2O3 by Sol–Gel Technology
Autoři: Sklabinskyi, Vsevolod
Liaposhchenko, Oleksandr
Piteľ, Ján
Pavlenko, Ivan
Skydanenko, Maksym
Ostroha, Ruslan
Yukhymenko, Mykola
Simeiko, Kostiantyn
Demianenko, Maryna
Volf, Michal
Starynskyi, Oleksandr
Yurchenko, Oleksandr
Mandryka, Oleksandr
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: SKLABINSKYI, V. LIAPOSHCHENKO, O. PITEĽ, J. PAVLENKO, I. SKYDANENKO, M. OSTROHA, R. YUKHYMENKO, M. SIMEIKO, K. DEMIANENKO, M. VOLF, M. STARYNSKYI, O. YURCHENKO, O. MANDRYKA, O. Experimental Studies and Condition Monitoring of Auxiliary Processes in the Production of Al2O3 by Sol–Gel Technology. Processes, 2022, roč. Volume 10, č. Issue 10, s. 1-21. ISSN: 2227-9717
Datum vydání: 2022
Nakladatel: MDPI
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85140825547
ISSN: 2227-9717
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: condition monitoring;sol–gel;granules formation;coil pulsation washer;microsphere;process innovation;energy efficiency
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Powders and granules of heavy metal oxides produced through condition monitoring are in high demand as intermediate products for obtaining fine-grained ceramics for a wide range of applications, i.e., nuclear fuel and fuel elements for nuclear power plants. Sol–gel technology to produce nuclear fuel (UO2), as well as catalysts (ThO2) for organic synthesis in the form of granules from pressed microspheres, is a promising method to obtain powders and granules of heavy metal oxides (fine-graded ceramics). Al2O3 was selected as the model analog at the stages of obtaining a solution of heavy metal and sol, the formation and gelation of droplets, and the preparation of gel spheres and their further washing and drying, as well as recovery and firing of particles. In the study, the main parameters were substantiated, e.g., the diameter and angle of inclination of the axis for the holes in the perforated shell, the multiplicity of sol circulation before the holes, the coefficients of liquid (sol) flow rate, the oscillation frequency of the disperser, and the concentration of surfactant and acid in sol. All of these parameters affect the characteristics of the granules that are obtained by sol–gel technology. Moreover, recommendations to increase productivity and the energy efficiency of production were also given. In particular, it was found that oscillation frequency in a range of 70–80 Hz leads to a granulometric composition of the obtained granules of 2.0–2.2 mm. A hole of 0.85 mm and a frequency of 100 Hz slightly change this range to 1.2–2.0 mm, while maintaining monodispersity.
Práva: © authors
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Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (CEV)

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