2018 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Zich, Jan
Tester modulu pro zpracování signálu z Čerenkovova detektoru v projektu AFP The Cherenkov light produced by the detector is widely used in particle physics in order to detect primary and even secondary charged particles. The photomultiplier that follows the detector converts the Cherenkov light to the electrical signals. Depending on the experiment the photomul... |
Zeman, Michal
Optimalizace vyhořívajících absorbátorů pro reaktor EPR The research of burnable absorber (BA) is a very important issue, due to BA influence on regulation and control of reactivity in the reactor. Burnable absorbers compensate initial excess reactivity. This paper deals with the depletion calculation of Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR) nucl... |
Zavřel, Martin
Návrh a realizace kompenzačního kondenzátoru bezdrátového přenosu energie s rezonanční vazbou In this paper is described compensating capacitor for series-series wireless power transfer system. Description is focused on important capacitors parameters and on precision design of capacitor. The design is done in plate-capacitor topology with emphasis on high capacity density, high applicabl... |
Žahour, Jiří
Křivka, Jindřich
Emisní testy nezávislého systému pro redukci NOx The paper describes the method of emissions measuring changes. The new WLTP method is shortly introduced, included WLTC and RDE. Next, the real driving tests results of the independent SCR system are discussed. |
Votava, Martin
Glasberger, Tomáš
Návrh tepelného modelu měniče a identifikace jeho parametrů The paper is focused on a thermal model identification of power semiconductor module for estimation of junction temperature of the semiconductor elements (transistors). The model describes differences between converter baseplate temperature and temperature of each transistor in the module. The th... |
Vajnar, Vladimír
Přehled perspektivních technologií akumulace energie The most promising technologies of energy accumulation for energy storages are mentioned in this paper. There are pumped hydro storages, compressed air energy storages, thermal energy storages and battery energy storages. These technologies are described by their principles and operational charac... |
Veg, Lukáš
Vliv tepelné vodivosti v axiálním směru na celkový tepelný model vysokorychlostního PMSM The subject of presented paper is research of impact on the change of thermal conductivity of stator lamination of high synchronous machine in axial direction. The thermal model of PMSM is calculated for different values of thermal conductivity in axial direction. The results are... |
Valenta, Pavel
Piezoelektrický transformátor jako zdroj napětí pro Geiger-Müllerův detektor Radiation detectors such as Geiger-Müller tubes need a high-voltage power supply for operation. The supply voltage can be in the range from 100 V to 1000 V. Piezoelectric transformers are able to generate desired voltage. In this article the possibilities of utilizing Rosen type... |
Vajnar, Vladimír
Posouzení spolehlivosti návrhu a provozu vypínačů vvn/zvn na základě výsledků mezinárodních průzkumů spolehlivosti This paper deals with the topic of high voltage circuit breakers’ reliability in relation to theirs design and service conditions. The motivation for the subject comes from multiple failures analyses and continuous efforts to maintain power systems safe and reliable. The paper contains&... |
Švehla, Michal
Modelování vybraných podnikových procesů This paper deals with a modeling of business processes in Rohde & Schwarz an electrical engineering company and their analysis. Business processes are selected for one specific end-production line of their best device. Models and analysis will later serve as a foundation for ch... |
Suchý, Stanislav
Soukup, Radek
Optimalizace technologického procesu vyšívání elektronických prvků pro chytré textilie This paper deals with an optimization of the embroidery process for realization of textile based electronic components for smart textile applications. During the testing, the most of the attention was paid to the parameters that influence the conductivity of embroidered paths with diffe... |
Šlauf, Josef
Řeboun, Jan
Charakterizace tištěných senzorů vlhkosti This paper describes the characterization of chemically sensitive printed sensors based on interdigital topology. It´s long-term stability, properties depending on the type of environment, method of calibration and the level of accuracy achieved with the chosen measuring apparatus were measured. ... |
Skřivan, Jan
Blecha, Tomáš
Testování senzorů natažení integrované v kompresních ponožkách The work is focused on the development of textiles with implemented electronic elements and sensors (hereinafter referred to as smart textiles) intended for long-term monitoring of patients with lower limb edema. This paper presents socks with integrated sensors that allow the lower lim... |
Šíma, Karel
Rozšíření, úprava a ověření testovacího systému tištěných senzorů pro testování RH senzorů The paper focuses on the extension, modification a verification of the testing system for printed sensors. The first part of this paper describes the modifications of the system. The main modifications are: sending data through the LoRa LPWAN and extension from two measuring channe... |
Ševčík, Jakub
Stochastický simulátor spotřeby parciálního trolejbusu – srovnání kalibrace In this paper, a mathematical model for a prediction of energy consumption of electric buses or hybrid trolleybuses is briefly presented and two different approaches for a calibration of the model are discussed. A comparison of differently calibrated simulators is performed on the ... |
Pospíšil, Karel
Mach, František
Využití indukovaného napětí pro detekci chyby operace elektromagnetického ventilu The aim of this article is to describe a method for the sensorless fault detection of the electromagnetic valve operation. This method is based on the measurement of the voltage induced in the valve coil. |
Petrášová, Iveta
Optimalizační metody pro lokalizaci zdroje hluku Optimization methods are used for solving problem in a large number of disciplines. This paper deals with the use of optimization methods for localization the known noise source. The calculation was performed using several optimization methods. The localization of the noise source is... |
Pavec, Martin
Soukup, Radek
Hamáček, Aleš
Fraktální anténa vyrobena technologií vyšívání a Aerosol Jet This paper presents a research focused on development of a flexible fractal antenna for wearable IoT applications or smart textile optimized for Ultra-Wideband communication. A bowtie pattern was chosen as design of the flexible antenna, which is prepared by two technologies: aerosol je... |
Paslavský, Bohumil
Měření V-A charakteristiky izolace statorového vinutí generátorů a rozdíly v metodice diagnostických laboratoří The description of differences between measurements methods leakage current are in this paper. Differences between laboratories are in number of test level, time on test level and quantity of reading from the instruments. Analysis of differences searched better process for measurement of... |
Navrátil, Jiří
Hirman, Martin
Kontaktování SMD součástek na flexibilní DPS s pomocí nevodivých lepidel The paper deals with the connection of SMD chip resistors on the flexible substrate by electrically conductive and non-conductive adhesives. UV curable non-conductive adhesive and epoxy non-conductive adhesive were used in the experiment. The target of the experiment proved that the connecti... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
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- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL
- Elektrotechnika a informatika
- 45 2018