Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2019 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Jůnová, Radka
Simbartl, Petr
Easter customs and traditions at primary school My paper deals with customs and traditions connected with Easter, regarded the most important feast of the liturgical year. The thesis is divided to a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on Easter history and describes the origin, meaning and comparison... |
Klimentovna, Kirushina Aida
Implementation of multimedia technology in foreign language teaching The dynamics of modern society development requires the use of information technology in many areas of human activity, including the field of education. Multimedia technologies in foreign language teaching provide creative, active acquisition of language; improve the quality and effectiveness of&... |
Ramilevna, Nurieva Alsu
Online platforms as a way of learning non-native languages in the IT-lyceums of Russia In modern education system the search for effective ways of teaching English is one of the important problems of pedagogy. Such specialists who know the world language and who are able to participate in international negotiations are in demand in the labor market. Teaching pro... |
Ešner, Pavel
Construction and management of CNC equipment and possibilities of utilization in the field of education This diploma thesis deals with the integration of the CNC themes into the teaching at primary school. The document presents mechanical components, control and auxiliary software and the design of workplace safety documents. The aim of the document is to define the components of... |
Zíka, Miroslav
Application of electronic textbook Práce s daty at primary school Thesis deals on educational material Práce s daty - an electronic web-based textbook that is developed as part of the project Support of the IT Thinking at KVD FPE ZČU. In addition to the description of the work schedule, the reader is also acquainted with the planne... |
Sobyanina, Tatyana
Kulyginа, Liubov
Traditions and rites expressed in the material culture: a line of master classes The pedagogical advantages and possibilities of the master class are revealed as an interactive form of organization of the educational process. This article considers the prospect of creating a series of student master classes on the theme of “Traditions and Rites Expressed in Obj... |
Kulyginа, Liubov
Designing of student´s learning activities on technology lessons This article addresses the problem of the value of the personal technological culture in the world of constantly expanding technological possibilities. The tendency to update content of the practice-oriented subject area “Technology” in Russian schools is discussed. The issue of enhancing st... |
Studentova, Varvara
Kulyginа, Liubov
The development of designer´s abilities of students in the process of studying technology at school The interconnection of technological preparation of students with upbringing of technological culture is traced, an important component of which is development of their complex of design abilities. The features of this group of abilities are considered on the basis of the analysis of... |
Lozhkin, Nikita
Kulyginа, Liubov
Spatial thinking development and training the skill to work with detail drawings on the basis of 3D-technologies This article proposes a set of didactic materials for the development of spatial thinking and the training of the ability to read and create details' drawings on the basis of 3D-modeling and printing. The set includes: the methodical development of a technology lesson, which... |
Prade, Martin
Tower of Hanoi made with 3D printer 3D printing technologies are technically and financially available for Czech education. One way to support and improve information thinking, digital literacy, creativity and imagination in education is this project, which aims to create a Tower of Hanoi puzzle in a 3D software and ... |
Šmídová, Šárka
Interactive activities supported with ICT in preschool education This thesis deals with interactive activities with the support of the ICT at nursery schools. Furthermore, it reflects the topic of the digital literacy of the pre-school children. In the beginning of the theoretical part, I describe pre-school period and education. Secondly I cont... |
Lindovský, Aleš
Dědek (nožní svěrák) A shaving horse (shave horse, or shaving bench) is a combination of vice and workbench, used for green woodworking. Typical usage of the shaving horse is to create a round profile along a square piece, such as for a chair leg or to prepare a workpiece for the... |
Mitroulia, Maria
Nikou, Athina
Zotos, Christos
Armakolas, Stefanos
Internet of things in education in Greece and state support through EETT Το IoT αναφέρεται στη σύνδεση των ανθρώπων, των δεδομένων και των αντικειμένων-πραγμάτων μεταξύ τους μέσω του διαδικτύου. Η φύση του είναι τέτοια που μπορεί να προσφέρει μια διαδραστική διαδικασία μάθησης, όπου οι μαθητές, ακόμα και οι μαθητές με μαθησιακές δυσκολίες, μαθαίνουν να αναζη... |
Beneš, Martin
The use of educational support for automatic train guidance in primary school education The goal of the thesis was to create a methodology for using the created educational supports - the textbook and the model, to support the teaching of Technical Education and Computing and selected technical subjects in the ninth grade of the primary school. The created t... |
Kichuk, Pavel
Development of the school course "3D-modeling in SketchUp" for students of 7-9 classes This article discusses the possibility of organizing a school extracurricular course using free three-dimensional editor SketchUp and the use of modern technologies of three-dimensional printing. |
Stolaříková, Světlana
Space orientation at the children The bachelor thesis on the topic “Space orientation at the children in kindergartens” consists of three parts : theoretical, methodological and experimental. The theoretical part focuses on pre-school time and its development specifics, pre-maths education and its aims, space orientation, space... |
Kazana, Athina
Stefanos, Armakolas
Zotos, Christos
Motivation and participation in distance learning programs of geotechnics Η παρούσα ερεύνα ασχολείται με τα κίνητρα συμμετοχής των ενηλίκων στην εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση και εξειδικεύει σε μια πληθυσμιακή ομάδα, αυτή των Γεωτεχνικών. Για την καλύτερη κατανόηση του θέματος, κρίνουμε απαραίτητη μια εισαγωγή στην έννοια του κινήτρου και μια βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση π... |
Griva, Anastasia
Thanopoulos, Charalampos
Armakolas, Srefanos
The pedagogical use of ICT in a school of engineering in tertiary education The intense development and introduction of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in every field of modern life makes it necessary to introduce them to education. The introduction of new technologies into education raises the demand for a more general redistribution of th... |
Shamyshev, Anton
Saleh, Hadi
Mobile application for conference organising The mobile app has been developed for 2 platforms (Android and iOS). Mobile app has designed for organising conference, commercial and other events. Mobile app allows for participants to create personal schedule, exchange contacts and get organiser notifications. |
Glushneva, Daria
Korotkov, Aleksandr
Hadi, Saleh
Arduino-based system for sensory data processing The work is devoted to the hardware and software complex, consisting of a device that continuously reads the data of the microclimate of the environment, and applications (mobile application and web-application) that provide the user with relevant data. The main task of this softwa... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
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- Olympiáda techniky