Mezinárodní vědecká konference kateder dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů
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Achtenová, Gabriela
Analýza mechanismů s více stupni volnosti At CTU in Prague was develoed the tool "Sungear" dedicated for analysis of planetary gearboxes consisting of single or nested planetary gearsets; and for analysis of the powersplit CVT or IVT mechanisms with 1 degree of freedom (DOF). In this paper is briefly described... |
Zeizinger, Lukáš
Vliv odporů na návrh dálkového pásového dopravníku The thesis deals with dimensioning of frictional resistors on long distance belt transport. The thesis contains the design of the system and comparison of the necessary power for the drive of the system for various designs. The results summarize the possible sizing of the system. |
Wurmová, Petra
Působení autosedaček na fyziologii lidského těla The use of cars increases every year, so people spend more time at the steering wheel, overcoming ever greater distances, which often forces them to sit in the car seat for hours. Professional drivers, especially truck drivers, know about it. It is therefore very important... |
Šaderová, Janka
Marasová, Daniela
Výber nakladacích a dopravných prostriedkov pomocou multikriteriálního hodnotenia Transportation represents an integral part of the logistics system in each mining company. The most frequently used mineral transportation system in the truck transport. Loading and transportation is important part in the extraction and processing of minerals. The selection of loaading and... |
Střípek, Martin
Brázda, Robert
Optimalizace manipulačního dopravníku v potravinářském procesu The food industry is a specific industrial area with high demands on the use of materials with harmless and hygienic standards. The Institute of Transport, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering VŠB-TU Ostrava cooperates with industrial practice with the aim of creating practically focused a... |
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