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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorKoubová, Monika
dc.contributor.authorSimbartl, Petr
dc.contributor.editorKrotký, Jan
dc.contributor.editorSimbartl, Petr
dc.identifier.citationKROTKÝ, Jan, ed.; SIMBARTL, Petr, ed. Inovace a technologie ve vzdělávání: časopis o nových metodách a inovacích v technickém a přírodovědném vzdělávání. 2019, č. 1, s. 83-89.cs
dc.format7 s.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rights© Západočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.subjecttesty jemných motorických dovednostícs
dc.subjectmateřská školkacs
dc.subjectrozvoj jemných motorických dovedností dětícs
dc.titleUsing yarn in kindergarten to develop and estimate levels of fine motor skillsen
dc.description.abstract-translatedCurrently, we have faced problems in the area of developing fine motor skills for pre-school and school children. As there has been a huge expansion of touch electronics, such as tablets in households as well as at schools, the necessity to use more fingers of a hand is decreasing. Therefore, the development of children’s fine motor skills is on the downgrade. Our research plan deals with the development and testing fine motor skills in pre-school children. Usually, there are standardized sets used to test fine motor skills. The sets include a variety of testing tools, e.g. “Purdue Pegboard”- a commonly used standardized test of fine motor skills of upper limb. We consider the main disadvantage of the tools the fact that the tool is only for testing and younger children may find it uninteresting. The tool we designed in pilot testing develops and tests fine motor skills and, after its evaluation and subsequent finalization, children may take away the resulting product. In that way, children are more motivated to increase their performance and activity participation. In this part, we use wool as the main material to create a product and other materials, most commonly paper. Wool or yarn is suitable for the products practising stringing, when fine motor skills are developed. If there is a model for a solution set up, then the competence of problems solving is also partially developed.en
dc.subject.translatedtests fine motor skillsen
dc.subject.translateddevelopment of children’s fine motor skillsen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Články / Articles (KMT)
Číslo 1 (2019)
Číslo 1 (2019)

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