Číslo 1 (2019) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Gašparová, Miroslava
Huľová, Zlatica
Rozvíjanie technických zručností žiakov cez tradičné ľudové remeslá v regionálnej výchove Článok prináša niekoľko úvah a príkladov, ako využiť obsahovú integráciu v primárnom vzdelávaní na rozvíjanie technických zručností mladších žiakov cez regionálny projekt, realizovaný aj v externom prostredí. Rieši problematiku tradičných ľudových remesiel v obsahu primárneho vzdelávania v predmete pracovn... |
Huľová, Zlatica
Vzťah učiteľov k obsahu technického vzdelávania na primárnom stupni školy Výskumná štúdia prináša čiastkové zistenia zo skúmania vzťahu učiteľov k obsahom technického vzdelávania v predmete Pracovné vyučovanie v primárnom vzdelávaní. Učitelia primárneho stupňa školy hodnotili poznanie vzdelávacieho obsahu pracovného vyučovania a vyjadrovali názory na dôležitosť k tematickým celkom... |
Stolaříková, Světlana
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Prostorová orientace u dětí v mateřské škole |
Katsika, Maria
Koutroulis, Ilias
Zotos, Christos
Mitroulia, Maria
Armakolas, Stefanos
A social approach to teleconferencing Teleconferencing is becoming increasingly popular within the educational community. This paper attempts to approach the phenomenon with regards to the human side and explores the social factors that arise and appear to influence this modern educational method. To achieve that, the subject... |
Milovanova, S.
Saveljeva, N.G.
Creating a multifilm on the basis of polymeric clay with children with heavy disabilities of speech in manual labor lessons in special correctional school of 5 types The topic of this article is the creation of a cartoon based on polymer clay with children with severe speech disorders. The main objective of the work is to describe the process of creating a cartoon based on polymer clay with children with severe speech disorders. |
Chushikina, Kate
Vinarchik, Elena
The influence of needlework on the experience of stress The article considers the question of the influence of applied creativity on the experience of stressful situations. A theoretical analysis of stress situations and stressors is given. The process of needlework is described from the point of view of influencing a person’s personality... |
Nozhnina, A.
Filatov, V.O.
Samoshkina, E.A.
The methods of threadgraphy in the classroom with preschool children with The article deals with the algorithm of making a picture "Duck" threads children suffering from severe speech disorders. |
Lapshina, Maria
Filatova, Olga
Unconventional drawing methods for children with general speech underdevelopment In the article is submitted the algorithm for the manufacture of hand-made articles with groats and plasticine by children with general speech underdevelopment. The process of sorting small particles and composing them improves the fine motor skills of the hands, the ability for no... |
Lapshina, Maria
Savelyeva, Natalya
Using plastilinografii on manual labor lessons in a special school In the article is submitted the algorithm for the manufacture of hand-made articles using plastilinografii with students of a special school who have severe speech disorders (TNR). This technique helps children to create volumetric crafts, contributes to the development of fine motor sk... |
Nozhnina, A.
Koval, O.
Akinina, E.B.
The summary of the lessons on modeling the porcupine with children of middle preschool age with delayded psycho-speech development |
Kulygina, L.S.
Designing of student’s learning activities on technology lessons This article addresses the problem of the value of the personal technological culture in the world of constantly expanding technological possibilities. The tendency to update content of the practice-oriented subject area “Technology” in Russian schools is discussed. The issue of enhancing st... |
Koubová, Monika
Simbartl, Petr
Using yarn in kindergarten to develop and estimate levels of fine motor skills Currently, we have faced problems in the area of developing fine motor skills for pre-school and school children. As there has been a huge expansion of touch electronics, such as tablets in households as well as at schools, the necessity to use more fingers of a hand... |
Zhukova, E.
Saveljeva, N.G
On the fine motor skills and creative abilities development of preschoolers with a general underdevelopment of speech by means of sand therapy The article presents the results of a pedagogical study of the fine motor skills, speech and personality development of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, through sand therapy. The author analyzed the effectiveness of the proposed parameter. |
Honzík, Lukáš
Frank, Jan
Chybné předpoklady v geometrických důkazech |
Fiala, Jan
The development of algorithmic thinking among the pupils of lower secondary schools |
Armakolas, Stefanos
Paraskevi, Skliva
Mikroyannidis, Alexander
Self-regulation in pre-service teacher training The meaning of the term self-regulated learning (SRL) could be summed up with the phrase "learn how to learn". It’s a dynamic and creative procedure, according to which learners set goals of their own, while trying to direct, regulate and monitor ways of achieving th... |
Athina, Kazana
Armakolas, Stefanos|Zotos,Christoss
Motivation and participation in distance learning programs of geotechnics This study explores the motivation of adults participating in distance learning and more specifically those that have a university background in Geotechnical Sciences. An introduction to both the concepts of distance education and adult education is made, in order to present the scope... |
Mitroulia, Maria
Nikou, Athina
Armakolas, Stefano
IOT in education in Greece and state support through EETT Internet of Things refers to connecting people, data and objects/things to each other via the Internet. Its nature is such, that it can provide an interactive learning process where students, and even those with learning disabilities, learn to seek and acquire knowledge in a... |
Nurieva, Alsu
Achaeva, Marina
Online platforms as a way of learning non-native languages in KFU (Russia) The search for effective ways of teaching English is one of the important problems of pedagogy. Such specialists who know the world language and who are able to participate in international negotiations are in demand in the labor market. Teaching professional communicative competence... |
Kirushina, Aida
Achaeva, Marina
Implementation of multimedia technology in foreign language teaching The dynamics of modern society development requires the use of information technology in many areas of human activity, including the field of education. Multimedia technologies in foreign language teaching provide creative, active acquisition of language; improve the quality and effectiveness of&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Inovace a technologie ve vzdělávání
- 2019
- 22 2019