Title: Approximate symmetries of planar algebraic curves with inexact input
Authors: Bizzarri, Michal
Lávička, Miroslav
Vršek, Jan
Citation: BIZZARRI, M., LÁVIČKA, M., VRŠEK, J. Approximate symmetries of planar algebraic curves with inexact input. COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN, 2020, roč. 76, č. Januar, s. UNSP 101794. ISSN 0167-8396.
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Document type: preprint
URI: 2-s2.0-85074789050
ISSN: 0167-8396
Keywords in different language: Planar algebraic curves;matrix complex representation;symmetry detection;approximation
Abstract: In this paper, we formulate a simple algorithm for an approximate reconstruction of an inexact planar curve which is assumed to be a perturbation of some unknown planar curve with symmetry. The input curve is given by a perturbed polynomial. We use a matrix complex representation of algebraic curves for simple estimation of the potential symmetry. A functionality of the designed reconstruction method is presented on several examples.
Rights: © Elsevier
Appears in Collections:Preprinty / Preprints (KMA)

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