Title: Online safety as a new component of digital literacy for young people
Authors: Tomczyk, Lukasz
Eger, Ludvík
Citation: TOMCZYK, L., EGER, L. Online safety as a new component of digital literacy for young people. Integration of Education, 2020, roč. 24, č. 2, s. 172-184. ISSN 1991-9468.
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
Document type: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85087449444
ISSN: 1991-9468
Keywords in different language: Cyberbullying;Cybersafety;Digital literacy;Digital piracy;Hoax;Measure;Poland;Protextion of image;Sextion;Youth
Abstract in different language: Introduction. Digital literacy refers to the skills required to achieve digital competence, the confident and critical use of information and communication technology for learning, leisure, communication and future work of young people. Digital competence has a dual nature. First of all, it is the technical ability to operate programs, pages, equipment. Secondly, it is also the ability to use digital media safely. Both perspectives are important in the educational perspective, i.e. media education and socialisation. Materials and Methods. The paper presents the attempts to measure digital literacy in the area of threats resutling from using the new media in the group of upper-secondary school students (fourth educational cycle). The study was carried out using a diagnostic test with 18 questions. The research was conducted in the group of 1693 youths aged 15–21. The research was designed based on traditional methods of testing knowledge and skills. Results. The findings showed that the weakest digital literacy component was the copyright-related knowledge and the strongest area was online shopping and financial operations. All digital literacy components are interrelated. The improvement in one area leads to the development of other digital literacy elements. Despite this correlation, digital literacy is a heterogeneous concept. There are also differences regarding certain digital literacy components, determined by gender – girls obtained higher test results in terms of the soft competencies whereas boys were better with the technical aspects of digital literacy. Based on the cluster analysis, we noticed that 41.41% of the students obtained good and very good results from the competence test. More than half of the students require further education in most of the analysed areas. Discussion and Conclusion. For educational decision-makers, the findings highlight the importance of designing training programs aimed at developing students’ digital literacies, with a special focus on new topics as sexting, piracy and cyberbullying.
Rights: © Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
Appears in Collections:Články / Articles (KMO)

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