Číslo 3 (2020) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Jablonský, Josef
Optimalizační procedura pro agregaci pořadí v úlohách vícekriteriálního rozhodování There are many different methods for analysis of multiple criteria decision-making problems. Considering the problems for evaluation of alternatives, a typical situation is that the application of various methods leads to different results, i.e. each method generates different ranking of... |
Hašková, Simona
Šuleř, Petr
Frýd, Lukáš
Production functions in the sector of knowledge intensive services The sector of knowledge intensive services is very often neglected, although it is very important for today's economy – it is highly innovative, fast-growing and usually provides highly paid and stimulating employment, involved in the creation and transfer of knowledge. It pr... |
Majdúchová, Helena
Kmety Barteková, Mária
Publishing as a subject of the creative industries in the context of its economic performance and protection of intellectual property rights Creativity has been considered a new type of competitive advantage in recent years. It becomes the basis of a new direction, a new economic paradigm - creative economy. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the economic performance of creative industries in the publ... |
Konečný, František
Rozdílnost vnímání úrovně wellbeing v pracovním prostředí zaměstnanci a manažery Wellbeing is a popular key term in professional and non-professional literature. Due to the widespread use of this term, it is possible to find different approaches to evaluating the level of wellbeing employees in an organization. The reason is also the frequent connection&... |
Kutlák, Jiří
Krejčová, Zdeňka
Analýza generačních odlišností na pracovišti v České republice The issue of multi-generational management in the workplace is one of the core areas for effective management of organisations. Not only due to demographic developments in many developed countries, but also to changes in the understanding of individuals' career lives, more ... |
Kuncová, Martina
Volba dodavatele elektřiny v ČR v roce 2020 z pohledu nákladů na spotřebu elektřiny pro domácnosti a pro podnikatelský maloodběr – simulační model The situation on the Czech electricity market from the point of view of small customers or households is confusing every year. Although information on electricity consumption prices for households and small businesses is already freely available on the Internet (web pages of ... |
Fiala, Petr
Majovská, Renata
New trends in project portfolio management The use of project portfolio management is increasingly becoming a tool for promoting the strategy of the organization. Using sophisticated quantitative tools becomes a significant competitive advantage for project portfolio management. Project portfolio management is a dynamic multi-criteria &... |
Svoboda, Milan
Ohlédnutí za konferencí Trendy v podnikání 2020 |
Janeček, Petr
Editorial |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Publikace FEK / Publications of FEK
- Trendy v podnikání
- 2020
- 9 2020