Název: Optimization of contacting technological process on printed conductive pattern for wearable electronics
Autoři: Benešová, Andrea
Hirman, Martin
Hlína, Jiří
Tupa, Jiří
Steiner, František
Řeboun, Jan
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: BENEŠOVÁ, A. HIRMAN, M. HLÍNA, J. TUPA, J. STEINER, F. ŘEBOUN, J. Optimization of contacting technological process on printed conductive pattern for wearable electronics. In: Proceedings of the International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, ISSE 2020. Piscaway: IEEE, 2020. s. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-72816-773-2.
Datum vydání: 2020
Nakladatel: IEEE
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: 2-s2.0-85087617768
ISBN: 978-1-72816-773-2
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: conducting materials;electronic engineering computing;flexible electronics;risk analysis;silver alloys;software tools;soldering;testing
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: This paper describes the testing of soldering on flexible substrates (PET, Kapton) with fully printed silver conductive pattern. Prior to testing, the technological process was mapped and modeled using a software tool, called ARIS. In the next step all possible causes were defined using the Ishikawa diagram. Then the initial test was realized with poor results. After this test, the risks of the process were evaluated by the risk analysis. The second experiment was realized in the next step according to the performed analysis. The results of this experiment were much better and one of the used settings can be used for future applications.
Práva: Plný text je přístupný v rámci univerzity přihlášeným uživatelům.
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